Is this acid reflux? | Arthritis Information


I'm having a lot of dificulty keeping food down if I bend forward or lie down and actually will vomit when lying down. I have been taking prilosec and trying to avoid eating late in the day. Does acid reflux get this bad? I think it is worse when I am on more prednisone. On 20 mg now. Any ideas?


p.s. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and don't overdo it!

Sounds like it! I'm sorry it's gotten that bad. perhaps prilosec just isn't for you?

Hi Laker,

I was very recently dx'd with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and was put on Nexium.  I too can feel like vomiting after eating especially laying down.  GERD is a much more complicated disease than I ever thought now that I have researched it.

The acid ruins my voice, pills and food get stuck in my esophagus and it is very painful to push them on down (I am scared to eat meat unless ground), it can get up into the ears, sinuses and lungs then cause infections as it did in me.

I see a Gastroenterologist Jan 11th and he will be scoping my throat along with performing a colonoscopy.  The GERD somehow  has gotten things messed up at the other end 

I have found the Nexium to be very helpful in Rx 40mg strength.  My PCP told me that the esophagus will heal when the acid production is lowered.

I hope this helps and take care,



I'm having a lot of dificulty keeping food down if I bend forward or lie down and actually will vomit when lying down. I have been taking prilosec and trying to avoid eating late in the day. Does acid reflux get this bad? I think it is worse when I am on more prednisone. On 20 mg now. Any ideas?


p.s. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and don't overdo it!


Definitely.  Prednisone can make it worse.  You might want to up the prilosec (OTC?), ask your doctor for a higher dose, or switch to another proton pump inhibitor (protonix, prevacid, etc), eat small meals, don't eat before laying down, and avoid foods high in fat - they take longer to digest.  Definitely talk to your doctor if it continues. it could be but before you rely on diagnosis by internet I would call your doctor

You just described my GERD.  Even on Prevacid, my symptoms get worse when I up the dosage of Relafen, take prednisone, eat foods that are acidic such as tomatos, or eat late at night.  Oh, and milk and peanut butter also makes it worse for me too.

Jane, what's Rani 2?

Well yes it sounds like some preety bad heartburn or acid reflux. Higher dose pred can cause this. So can certain foods and allergic reactions and eating to much over the holidays while on a high dose pred probably dose not help. This has been my experience today as i ouch am having an allergic reaction taking higher dose pred and went to three parties and ate like a pig. Laying down did not help. How is your body treating you. I had wanted to know if you have had your b 12 checked recently?

Thank you all. I have a sore throat today and raspy voice (maybe from vomiting?

Milly, I had B12 checked at end of August and it was okay. How does B12 figure into it?

Had a great holiday in spite of it all. Hope you all did too.


It dose not fiqure into the acid reflux, I was reading about b 12 deficiency's and saw something about neurological problems. I was thinking about your foot and leg problems. I hope the pred is helping with that. If you get to where you can eat and if this is in your diet. Try some rasin bran. The prilosec may have you a bit clogged. I have sjorgrens and have trouble with prilosec and like drugs, they are drying to my system. I can not have milk i just put water on my rasin bran and eat it, makes me feel better. Also note my first sign of an allergic reaction was a sore throat and raspy vioce.milly39441.7866087963Also try propping your self up with pillows or find a nice easy chair. It is best to keep the acid down out of your throat. Takes some getting used to, sleeping sitting up. But i would inhale my stomache contents at times when reflux is this bad.make sure your doctor knows about the sore throat and raspy voice.  If in fact the problem is gerd those symptoms can also indicate that the acid is burning your throat

Hey Laker and all;

I want to echo Jasmine's thoughts.  That stomach acid is there for a reason. 

I had been on protonix for about a year for stomach erosions/GERD.  After being on it for a year I was diagnosed with PRA.  At that time, I noticed the side effect profile of protonix listed side effects that looked just like RA so I wanted to come off it just to see if it was the meds, not PRA.  It was not the meds :-(  I've managed to lower my dose to one pill a day vs. 2, but my goal is to get off it totally. 

Recently I've learned that people on protease pump inhibitors or other stomach acid lowering drugs do not regenerate their livers - so - if you have any issues with liver numbers etc. I'd look more into natural stomach acid reducers.  Not a clue what that would be but I thought I'd throw that out. 


Hi Laker

Sorry you are having problems. See your doctor, My sister has the same thing but she has now had 3 lots of botox injections in her food tube and a balloon due to achalasia whcih she thought was acid reflux. It might not be this but she went for a year believing acid was her problem . Let us know
