Merry Christmas!!! | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to be the first to greet you all with a very Merry Christmas!

My wish and prayer for everyone is a flare-free, pain-free holiday, with love and happiness galore!


Merry Christmas, Sunny and welcome to the board!

I wish you the same..good health, happiness and joy!

Hugs, Nini



We actually woke up to a White Christmas (first EVER!!) There's about four inches on top of what was left over from last week and it's still coming down consistently. And the weatherman said we'd just have a dusting.

I hope you all have a superfantastic and extra comfortable Christmas! Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope it is a good one. We have lots of family
here and Santa was so good to the kids. Anyway, have a great day. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

IT SLEETED!!! LOL It tried to be a white christmas in florida, but ya know. Haha Hope everyone's was great!

What a day, It was a great Christmas,  Now if I could just find somewhere to curl up and sleep for about a week....LOL

Hope everyone else had a great day like i did. Best part don't have to make any returns, unless something falls apart. LOL.....Have a great evening and take care.....Merry Christmas all
