muscle spasms | Arthritis Information


i feel like i have muscle spasms really frequently. does anyone know if that
could be a side effect of a medication? i've heard that birth control can cause
them, but im on the lowest dose possible (yaz for ovarian complications) ...
but i was wondering if it could be enbrel? maybe not though ... i have no

thanks:)I am wondering if it is just RA.  I get them in my legs at night.  I am not on Enbrel and not on birth control but I do have RA.  How about others?I have AS, but i also get them in my legs -either at night or when i first wake


I have them too and I guess a lot of things could be the cause. For me it is worse when having a flare. My dr said it could be from prednisone or fibromyalgia, but for me it goes away when the pred is increased so I think it is a disease symptom. You might try to track if it improves or worsens as your meds change or as you flare/improve to see if that sheds some light on it.



It might be that we're all (AI people) short on the big 3 of cell regulation - Potassium being the big culprit in restless leg syndrome.  You should start tracking like Laker said, and also check your recent labs.  Medico's never mention the low levels of potassium, calcium or magnesium.  Are you on a good multi vitamin?


