Pain | Arthritis Information


are there ever days without pain?

I know that sounds like a silly question but seriously is there?

Apparently  more joints affected at onset is not good.  I've had it then coz nearly every one of mine's had it, even my jaw and my back.

I certainly hope so.....Otherwise I am gonna be really disgusted....

Very few and far between for me but that's not true for everyone.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Julie...I was wondering the same thing - it seems like if my legs don't hurt then I feel like i have the flu all over - if i don't feel "fluey"  than my sciatic nerve I think I have sinus infection brewing cuz my head feels like it's full of water  & it scare s the crap outta me!  i've been on the MTX for 7 wks, plus Mobic, plus do I scale down on the pain meds when I feel like crap without them??!!!AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Sorry.



I had three completely pain free days a couple of weeks ago. I thought I
woke up in a parallel universe


Julie.  Yes I've had days with no pain or very little.  It comes and goes it seems.  But for the last 8 months, I've been doing pretty good.  Good luck to you


Julie,  I have only been recently diagnosed - May 2005.  I have been in extreme pain to mild pain.  I have had times like you are having thinking "I just can't take this anymore".  "I can't live like this" and even more negative than that.  But you know what, I am still not on the right meds but I do have pain free or little pain days.  I think we all do but we forget.  I plan on having more pain free days when I get the right medication mix.  My ra is supposedly very aggressive but I get pain free days so have faith.  One day at a time and vent all you need to here.  This board got me through many tough times.  Also print out some of the pertinent threads on this message board.  Get your significant others to read it.  It will help your family to understand and have more empathy for your confusion and pain.  There will be better days


P.S. I had total joint involvement in the beginning and spent 1 week in bed in the hospital. Followed up by another week in bed at home. I had to take a 3mo absence from work and then worked 4hr days.

dyna38591.9372685185Barb,  Same onset as me Barb.  Almost all my joints, major sick flu like symptoms, Hospitalization and then disability.  I am VERY sore this morning.  I didn't take my mtx last night.  I know I should have.  I just could not set myself up to feel worse today as I knew I would suffer from all the fun I had yesterday.  I will take  it tonight.  I think you do get used to the low pain days.  No big deal.  I am so excited that I may have the right meds soon and resume a normal life.  I was so much like Julie.  Did not see the light at the end of the tunnel.  No my gp, not my rd, only this board, helped me to have hope and see that light. 

until about 3 months ago I was at about an 8 or 9 on the pain scale every day. Now most days I'm around a 4 or 5. Today I am pain free. OTOH last Wed I was back to an 8.. Even though I am pain free, I don't feel like doing much today, which is just fine... I'll putter around and just enjoy feeling "normal" I am finally breaking myself of the habit of throwing myself full tilt into things just because I'm not actively hurting.

I just figure I'll take each day as it comes. Over do on my good days, and pay for it later.
