First Shot Question | Arthritis Information


The nurse at my RD's office said I had to go in so they could show me how to give myself my first Enbrel shot.  When I signed up for Quick Assist And Enliven Services, they sent me some information, including a DVD on how to use the SureClick Autoinjector.  My gosh, it looks SO EASY.  I'm sure I can do this without instruction from the nurse.  Is it standard procedure to go in for your first shot?  Did you guys have to do that?  I really don't want to waste their time or mine.I had to go in for the first shot. Just to make sure everything went ok. When i did my first two i pressed down to hard and ended up with bruises that lasted for two weeks. You wont be wasting there time it really is good to have them there.Yeah I had to go in for the first shot too. The nurse showed me how to inject but more importantly I had to sit there for about 15 or 20 minutes afterward in case I had some kind of a reaction.O.K.  I'll go.  You guys talked me into it.  I had also forgotten they said I'd have to wait around for a while afterwards too.

Hi!  I'm also on the Enbrel click sure pen also.  I did go into to a nurse who showed me what to do, and I did my first shot with her there.  I don't feel it's a waste of time, you'll need to have the reassurance that you feel you're doing it right!  Good luck, and take care!  Let me know how you make out!!



Yes you still should go in.  They want to make sure they moniter you the first time to make sure you dont have any reactions to the shot.  I am on the Humira pens after having the syringe.  When I first started the Humira they had me come in but when they switched me to the pen they didnt need to have me come in.

Good luck!! 

Yes, you have to. I was relieved. My insurance doesn't cover the sure click, but even still, I wanted to know when to do what. I was nervous about the whole thing and it helps to know what you're supposed to do.

[QUOTE=slbridges]Yes, you have to. I was relieved. My insurance doesn't cover the sure click, but even still, I wanted to know when to do what. I was nervous about the whole thing and it helps to know what you're supposed to do.[/QUOTE]

I was shocked when my insurance approved the Sure Click.  They usually do what they can to reduce the cost.  Heck, I was shocked with they approved Enbrel when I hadn't tried Arava.

I couldn't believe how easy the shot was today.  I was really nervous about it - enough that my blood pressure was elevated.  I don't have a needle phobia as long as it's in someone else's hands.  I'm sure I would have had trouble with a regular syringe.


do these shots work, which one do u recommend???



I just took my first shot yesterday, so it will be a while before I'll know if Enbrel works for me.  I don't think any medication works for everyone - just have to find the right one.


Rose - they do work. 
