Sulphasalazine | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had any luck with sulphasalazine wherein that was the only DMARD you took?  Am hoping to quit mtx and go on it.  Will introduce it with the mtx at first I guess but then hope to quit the mtx...or is that wishful thinking on my part!


Hi Schwtz,

I was on mtx before I started sulfasalazine so I can't really help you with your question, but I found that even after adding the sulfasalazine with the mtx, it didn't seem to do much for me.  I'm still taking it, but didn't really feel any improvement.

Good Luck,


Thanks Kelly.  I'm not too confident in sulphasalazine from what I've read and heard from others.  Will check have to try it and see


I just started taking it today, although I wish I had just started with the MTX like the Dr. suggested. I thought "I want to start off slow and work my way up to the strong stuff". Oh well, I'll see how it goes and if it doesn't help by the end of October then I will go to MTX from there...I guess it's worth a try, I just hope I'm still stopping further damage, ya know?

Years later I use MTX & Humira...I doubt Sulfersalazine would do much for me now that my bodies gotten use to the stronger medications.

It seems odd to me that it would be precribed after MTX; but maybe I've got it in my head as one of the weaker DMARDS and that might not actually be the case.


I've been taking it almost a year now.  Enbrel alone was not enough, so can't really say much about it, using it alone.  I couldn't wear my wedding rings either.  I'm now having them remade with an attachment that allows it to expand and contract when I need it to.  