psoriasis getting worse | Arthritis Information


Has anyone experienced their psoriasis getting much worse after starting on Humira? Hi Bob, I was in the 20% group that had PA but no skin plaques till I started Remicade.  My RD explaned the medical reason to me for the start up of skin plaques but I don't remember everything he said.  The joint issues got better.  I'm getting laser treatments for the skin issues on my leg.  So far I only have one large plaque on my leg and nothing elsewhere.  I'll try and remember to ask my RD for the explanation again next week and pm you with the answer.  You should let your RD know.  LindyHi, I have ra so my dr put me on Humira and then i came down with pa and
got worse then she put me on remicade and i am also on prednisone. I have
the sores on my legs, hands, feet and elbows. I can't wait for the remicade
to start to work. LynnHi My psoriasis is on over 70% of the body now, meds are not helping.  Really weird though, is I have been sitting with a heating pad against my back, due to the pain in the spine and it seems it is relieving the psoriasis on my back, some.  The psoriasis covers my back and plaque has been very thick but since I hve been using the heating pad for the spine the plaque has thinned out on my back can anyone help me on figuring out why this is working  for me??  I don't want to sound unhappy that it is working but I just can't understand how this is happening .  memedear bobfinly

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