Real Arthritis Cure | Arthritis Information


I have spoke with some people at the Garvin Institute in Australia a few times in the past 2 years, waiting for the trials to begin, i was given an invite to be a tester, but not sure yet if i want too lol.

But thought you might like to read up on their cure.  It always gives me hope.  They told me that testing would start in 2007, but last week i talked with someone and they said spring 2008 on non-sick people, then after it passes, it goes to RA patients for testing and within 10 years, if it works, will be out on the market.

Just knowing things like this are going on, makes me feel better, knowing a cure can happen some day in my lifetime. 2006/media_release.2007-06-27.3543376323/?searchterm=ao

bubbagump39444.5645833333sounds good, but can I wait 10 years????????   I'd cross my fingers if I could but they don't cross any more ...

WEll, there is always least researchers are working on it is about all I can say.


We're all just too impatient

They did phase one with the rats, so he said it could be as fast as 6 to 7 years depending on the outcome.

But they have a 2-3 year requirement on healthy people then the same amount on those with immune diseases.

He said it "should" cure other immune diseases too and they hope to look into using it for asthma, but they have to take one step at a time and RA was their first choice for this cure.

It gives me hope.  Their cure might not work one day, but knowing people are trying helps.  My dad has RA, now me and in case my kid gets it, i hope there will be a cure by then.
