It’s Good to be Home | Arthritis Information


Hi all!  We're back from our Christmas trip up north.  It was great to see all the family but it sure is nice to be home. 

This was kind of a test of my immune system this year.  I haven't been sick in at least four years and thought my overactive immune system might be the reason.  I was wondering if it would be any different now that I'm on the suppresant drugs, but once again, my husband has come down with a nasty cold and me?  Nothing.  We were both exposed to crowds, too little sleep, stress, etc. and again, I seem to be bullet proof.  My RD said the drugs won't really make me more vulnerable to illness but will just make it more like it should normally be.  We'll see.  Before all this AI stuff started, I used to get a couple of colds and a case of bronchitis every year.  Have any of you noticed that you're getting sick more now that you're on the drugs?  Or does it take longer for you to get well? Or has there been no change?

Here's wishing all of us a safe, pain free new year. 

Welcome back Jesse!!!!

I don't seem to get sick very much.  Maybe 1 cold a year. I don't get the flu shot anymore and I can't remember the last time I had the flu.

Hey Jesse!  Welcome back

I'm like you, I never get sick and wondered if that would change with these drugs I take now.  A month ago or so, my husband then my daughter got really nasty colds.  I thought I was a goner, but nope.  Didn't even get the sniffles. 

It makes me wonder if those of us who still don't get sick still have an immune system that's a bit overactive.  Especially if we still get some AI/RA symptoms from time to time.  Too complicated for my brain right now.  LOL

Welcome back ~~ the four story office building I work in has an epidemic going on.  I got a little sore throat, and slept through it.  My mom always told me when everybody else got the mumps, I would get just like a mild case of it and then sleep it off.  I guess it's that non-functioning immune system?  LOL

Here's hoping everyone is cured, in remission, and pain free in 2008 ~~ Cathy

Jesse. I have asked this question so many times. I rarely get a cold. I'm just
getting over a "sort of cold" Never really get anything full blown. I wonder
if we can actually burn out our immune systems by it being hyperactive.
Anyone know that answer to that?

I'm just the opposite.  I'm sick all the time.  Before dx, I could count on bronchitis twice a year.  I could almost set my clock by it.  Now.....I'm sick almost every month.  It STINKS


PS:  ANY, I mean any change in my schedule will throw me into illness.  It just stinks. 

I have not been sick or even had the sniffles in four years. My son has been sick many time. I dont know if thats a good thing or not.



Aw Phats

I'm like Phats, the wind could blow a cootie 5 miles from me and I get it. I am recovering from an ear infection and on antibiotics now. I have always been the sick kid, with ear problems, sinus, allergies, you name it, I'll probably pick it up or had it already. Such is life.

Here's to a healthier, happier new year!

Oh boy, I'm really sorry to hear of those of you who are getting sick all the time.  It must be exhausting and so depressing.  It's to your credit that you just pick yourselves up and keep going as best you can. 

So I guess there's really no clear answer as to whether our AI has really changed our reaction to germs.  I'd also like to know the answer to Lorster's question about the immune system burning out from so much activity.  Hopefully the suppressing drugs would prevent that, but who knows?  Again, so many questions with no answers.  Well, I hope we all have a better 2008 healthwise.  I feel pretty confident that we will.  After all, it's a whole new year for researchers to come up with new answers and medications.  The glass is half full people!!! 
