Glad to find someone with PMR | Arthritis Information


Hi, I'm really glad my son found this forum since I don't know anyone with PMR.  I just wanted to read, write or talk to anyone about their symptoms.  I have been on pred for 1 yr now and I'm on 5 mg. and I'm to decrease 1 mg every month.  After reading the message board I decided to cut out carbs and sugar.  Anything to help the muscle pain in my upper legs and hands.  I live in PA and wonder if living in a warmer climate would help.  Will be glad to here from all of you.  Happy New Year Hi Maudre and welcome to the forum. You will find plenty of symptom-talk here! Good that you are down to 5mg now, even tho the pain has not gone by the sound of it. I also get some pain in upper legs and hands I know others here get hand pain too. Reducing sugar has worked for a few of us here, as you say, anything is worth a try. I can't help with climate advice, as I live in New Zealand, and don't even know where PA is,  but I have noticed that I am feeling better now that the weather is warm. Happy new year to you too

It's good that you found us and glad to see you here.  It is also lucky that you have a doctor that found out what you have.

The weather hasn't seemed to make too much difference with me.  I really should try to be more aware of the sugar I eat.  Now that Christmas and all the cookies and candy are over I am going to try harder.

Carbs also might be a downfall for me.  The other day I made a big crockpot of bean soup with ham.  I don't know if it is because I over ate, or if the soup itself was the culprit.  I did hurt more that night in bed than I had for quite some time.  I have noticed when I overeat, I affects my pain level.  So I have been watching that too.  Eating more often so that I am not starved and then over eat seems to help a bit.  I suppose the adrenalin gland gets overloaded and can't process the sugar and carbs...even though fewer. 

We hope to hear of your progress of getting off of prednisone and what affect it has on you.   Mary

Maudre,  You might want to drop 1/2 mg every two weeks rather than a big 1mg drop a month.  The latter is a 20% decrease and your body is more likely to react negatively to a big decrease.

Also, you might ask your rheumy for an additional pain relief, such as an NSAID.

Good luck.

Hi Maudre,  welcome,  I am one who gave up sugar and carbs.  It has helped me.  I am not as fatigued and I was able to get off the pred.  I still get stiff and have some pain, but not like it was. 

I agree with Bob, take it slow getting off the pred.  Going to fast can cause more problems.

I think the cold weather does affect how we feel.  I live in Indiana outside Chicago. 

Happy New Year, Geri

I also did a no sugar diet whe i was having the most trouble and it really
helped. I definately have more pain when I eat sugar
