Another question (Yawn). | Arthritis Information


You know this morning stiffness - well do you get it all over or just in the joints that are/have been affected recently? Hmm, it kind of varies. I have pain everyday - just general ouchies in no
particular joint, it travels around where and when it pleases and can change
from hour to hour. When I'm having a flare, then generally whatever joints
are affected really hurt, plus the general ouchies. When I wake up in the
morning I have stiffness usually in my fingers, knees and feet. They get
better during the day (it helps if I wake up about a half hour before I need to
get out of bed and flex and rub everything) and I fall back into the general
travelling ouchies

Yup ... know the travelling ouchies




Thanks - that's what I have too - I wake up an hour before I need to get up and roll around the bed a bit to loosen up. I feel better after a hot bath , hot shower or a sit in the hot  tub in the mornings.  It seem to take the little pains away. I have stiffness in my hands, ankles and feet in the morning....probably not as bad as others because I usually get up during the night at least once with my DARLING DAUGHTER Staci, how are you?  I read your post earlier on, see you had a bad day - I'm sorry you've been in so much pain - you kid yourself it's going away don't you and it's almost as painful emotionally when it gets worse again as it is physically.  I understand - I think we are pretty much in the same place right now.  No luck eh
Keep your chin up - if it don't hurt too much

Morning stiffness is in my feet, knees and hands.

I wake up and lie in bed for about 40 minutes, with DH massaging my hands so I can grasp a cup of coffee. If I try to get right up, I fall, and since I have to navigate stairs first thing in the morning, I make sure my body is functioning. I usually can't use my hands at all, hit the snooze button with my forearm, pull covers up with my chin.. but DH's rubbng works great.

Well, mine is always in my feet and legs.  Usually goes away after 30 min. or so

