RA meds and energy drinks | Arthritis Information


Anyone know of any reason that they shouldn't be mixed?OMG---please say no!  That is the only way I can get through my first period class.  The kids are still half asleep. Rebecca, which one do you like?i'd be in trouble too! [QUOTE=Linncn]Anyone know of any reason that they shouldn't be mixed?[/QUOTE]

None at all.  Just a bunch of caffeine, vitamins and occasionally ginseng/etc in amounts too small to cause any problem (unless you guzzle it by the gallon, in which case the caffeine would get you first)
I did have a great mixed drink last wink with red bull and something else...yummm....

The drink that really caused me problems was the Pepsi Max.  It actually made my eyelids twitch.  Of course-I was drinking it by the case load cause I was packing to move.
There was an excellent article on energy drinks in Readers Digest about two months or so ago.  What people don't realise is just how much caffine and other items go into these drinks.  Energy drinks are now being banned off a lot of schoolgrounds due to the effects of them.  Yes they can get you going but alot of them will make you crash big time once the effects wear off.  I have hypothyroidism and my dr advised me to stay away from them, the excess caffine, sugar, and some of the other incregdients cause heart racing, palpitations, irratibility, blood pressure going up, especially if you are drinking alot of them.  Most drs, including mine, suggest to stay away from them.  When I was working 3rd shift I know alot of people on the shift drank 3 or more of those red bulls on a daily basis and then couldn't figure out why they couldn't sleep.  meme A "Red Bull" has less caffeine than a typical cup of coffee (80mg vs 100+mg).  A 16-oz "Bawls" has 100mg caffeine.  Problem is, some people can't consume these beverages in moderation.

Maybe there will be another study next year that reverses that one, but for now, I'm going back to Starbucks.

Hope this sets your mind at ease so that you can enjoy your Red Bull again!


YAY!!  Sugar free Monster, I've missed you ol' friend.

Thanks all for your replies.
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