New Here | Arthritis Information


Hi, I just joined and this is my very first post.

I went to ER three weeks ago with chest pain and was admitted. Two days later I was told by my family doctor and my heart doctor that my RA was affecting the lining around the heart.  No explanation what it meant, what it was, nothing. I came home , logged on and tried to find all I could about it. Found the name for it "Pericarditis" and that threw me into a depression. I have been in pain since I got out of the hospital. Sunday night I returned to ER because I couldn't stand my back pain and my chest really looked swollen, I was given a shot and really slept thourgh the whole evening and night for the first time in three weeks.

My family doctor gave me depression pills, stronger pain pills and steriods until I can see my rhummy doctor. I don't want to take the depression pills I want to deal with this head one. I have always been a person that takes control of her life. I think I felt like my life was over or was soon to be over and I got scared that there is no solution no light at the end of this tunnel. What I did was crawled into a hole and didn't want to come out until they came to take me away. I am sticking my head out right now, because its too lonely by oneself in this hole of mine.

What can I do until I go see my rhummy doctor, does anyone have this also and what are they doing, taking for it? Questions, questions so many questions. 

Thanks for letting me ramble on and on. Its good to be find a forum like this. I tried talking to my "kids" about this but they don't want to hear anything



Welcome to the boards!  No, kids don't usually want to hear about it and often others don't understand either.  We find that "normals" just don't "get it" and that is why we gimps gather in here to swap stories, share info on medications and dole out encourgement and hugs.

I was dx'd with RA over 20 years ago but have never had pericarditis tho a friend of mine had it years ago.  Am sure that others here will be able to help you out on that one.  It always is a wait to see a rheumy as we all make the next appt before we leave, so their appt. books are always full about 3 months ahead.  In the meantime,  don't be afraid to take some depression meds to help you over this time; many of our folk have had to use them at one time or another. 

Hang in there - there is light at the end of the tunnel I'm sure! 


Hi Delphina, I am so glad you are reaching out for support. I do not have pericarditis, but there has been others on here that have. I can understand your fear totally and that may be why your children dont want to know about it. Others deal with fear in different ways, my husbands way is denial and I know many others that are the same way. At least with this forum you can talk to others that can relate to your pain,fears etc. and vent any time you need to. I have been through a deep depression myself and felt there was nothing to look forward to. It has been the birth of my grandchildren that has helped me to see a light at the end of the tunnell. Take it easy on yourself, try to find other ways to relax if you can, meditation (if you are into that kind of thing). read a book , watch a good comedy movie. watch the birds/butterflies. these are all ways that help me. Even deep breathing can help if you can. You have taken that first huge step in coming through this nightmare,keep taking baby steps, ask as many questions as you need and know that there are others that care. luv and AllyDelphina, I feel your pain( know pun inteanded). I to am new here and just got DX not to long ago. Searching for answers to why my chest hurts, around my ribs.  If feels as though I have plurasey. What is really strange is this ringing in my ears it almost sounds like an ocean in there. I so wish that I had some answers for you. What I can do is be a freind and try to get through this with you. i would really like to know what you find out. take care TerriI too have had the chest issues. It does appear to be swollen--my RD and
I jokingly call it my third boob.

I have had cortisone shots in the sternum which helped quite a bit. Trust
me-sounds much worse than it is. I also did PT for a while. The therapist
would use ultrasound to break up the inflammation. Mention that to your
doc-it was probably the most effective treatment that I have found for
that area. All the redness would be gone when she finished and would be
cool to the touch. I was diagnosed with Tietze's syndrome which is
similiar to costochondritis except there is visible swelling.

You don't realize how much you use your upper body until it is in pain. It
used to hurt me to twist backwards and reverse in the car.

Things will get better. It just takes a little time for you and your dr. to
find the right formula. But-it will be found.

Delphina - HI and Welcome

From my quick search - this is a bacterial infection in your heart lining.  The rheumy should treat you with antibiotics.  How soon are you seeing him?  This sounds kind on 'urgent' from what I'm reading.  And it doesn't look like you should be on steroids on this.  Again, I'm no doc...

Did you have pneumonia recently?



 Thanks for the welcomes. Its good to be in a place where you can talk how you feel, what you feel and everyone understands.

Lorraine, so true, today I tried to tell daughter and the first thing she said was "you are so dramatic"

My first appointment is on Jan.14th. I guess I got lucky my rheumy was taking new patients since I had been told it could be a six to twelve month wait.

Ally, glad to "meet" you too. I have been crocheting an afagan that I call my "pain Blankie" I sit on the sofa reclinder and just crochet until the pain dulls a little.

Terri, my new friend, we will be here for each other as we learn about this , as we try new medications, as we vent, just as if we lived next door, we will be friends.

Rebecca, I told my daughter that  my chest hadn't looked that big since I had had her



Hi Delphina, and welcome to the board. Sorry you have this disease but you came to the right place to learn more and relate to other people that have or are going thru the same thing as you are. I have had pericarditis, twice. It was about 10 years ago and I was treated with antibiotics and it went away. I know how scary it can be. My dr at the time said how unusual it was to get it twice but never dx with ra. I wasn't dx with ra until Sept 05 but I think I have had it for many years before after researching. I haven't had any problems with my heart since. I am on anti-depressants. They help me so much. I was always the "strong one" out of 5 girls my mom had and never thought I would need them either but it has helped so much. SOme like cymbalta (that I take) also help with the pain of ra. It's good you have a appt with a rheumy soon. Start making a list of questions and write it down and take it with you. Also you might want to write down my medical history so you don't forget anything. I wish you the best and come back and ask/vent/cry or whatever, that's what this website is all about. You'll meet lots of cool people just hang in there!

take care

HI Delphina, so sorry to hear of your troubles, but we will be here for you when you need us, not much help I know but sometimes just knowing someone really does know what you are going thru helps a lot.  God Bless and I hope things improve soon.  Hugs Janie. Hi Delphina...welcome!Hi Delphina and welcome to the forum.  You need to call your primary doctor and talk with them.  Ask if the official diagnosis is pericarditis. They didn't mention "pericarditis", you found it on the internet.  Also, tell them that you had to present to the ER due to pain.  They probably aren't aware of that.  Sometimes ER reports get filed and the doctor isn't aware that you were seen in the ER.  If you can't get hold of your primary, call the cardiologist that saw you.  Antibiotics and pain meds are usually prescribed for pericarditis. You need to be seen by your RD sooner, rather than later.  Possibly your internist or cardiologist can get you an appt. with the RD sooner.  Keep us posted on your progress.  Lindy Hi Delphina and welcome to the board!Hi Delphina (love the name).  I see my rheumatologist for the first time on Friday, so I remain undiagnosed.  About two years ago I went to the ER with extreme chest pain.  I was convinced it was stress related or something similar as there is no family history for heart problems.  After being in the cardiac unit for about three days the doctor said I had pericarditis.  She said I should have blood work every six months to check it.  That was all ... no follow up or more detailed explanation. 

I've never done the blood work because I know if it comes back, the pain is so excruciating, I'd know what it is.  I've read somewhere (on the net) that RA can cause pericarditis.  Best of luck to you.

Welcome. I hope you feel better soon.