Hi, New here & question. | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

This is my first post.... I have been suffering with RA for about a year now but have been taking meds for about 6 months (long story).  Anyway, my hubby and I are thinking about trying to have another baby.  I am on mtx and I know I have to be off it for 3 months before we can start trying.  I guess my question goes out to all of you that have RA and have been on mtx and have gotten pg.  What did you do to treat your RA while off the meds?  I also had fertitlity issues with my first child and I am not sure how it will go with the next one.  Anyone have any advise or stories they would like to share?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Susan, I'm sorry I cant help you as far as the getting pregnant after mtx or what meds you can use, as my children were all grown b4 my PA began. I have heard others say that their RA has gone into remission while pregnant and have not needed meds. Others may be able to help you more or you could discuss it with your rheumy. But a big WELCOME

to you.

take care

Thanks everyone.  I am off to bed for the night but will be back tomorrow to see if anyone has any advice. 

Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Being a bloke I can't help you much but just dropped in to say  welcome.

Hi Suzie...welcome!

Quite a few years ago I asked my doctor about becoming pregnant (my second husband has no children of his own-I have 2 from my first marriage) while on meds.  She said I'd have to be off my mtx for a few months but that I could use prednisone I believe.  It's been a while since we talked about this and so I can't really remember much about it.  But I know she said there'd be no problem if I wanted to have a baby.  We ended up not having a baby though (our choice)

There will be others who have more info coming along soon I'm sure.

Good luck!


I'm too old to become pregnant so this hasn't been an issue for me. I am a nurse though and the way I understand it is how others here have said... off methotrexate for a while, treat with prednisone. Good luck to you in either direction, with getting pregnant if that's what you decide, with feeling better, cause that's what we all want :)

HI and Welcome!!!!

There was someone here within the last year, and I can't remember, they were pregnant and they were in remission during the pregnancy. They seem to be doing ok after the baby came but, I haven't seen them online as of lately. meme


Welcome! Prednisone is what is most commonly used. Though a steroid it does not transfer between mom and baby so it's safe. I've never been preg but I've asked multiple docs about it and every rheumatologist and gyno I've had all say prednisone. Even if you go into a remission some docs will put you on prednisone because you will be better controlled when the remission ends after baby is born. Good luck!

~ Erica

My baby days were long gone before the monster crept into my life.
Anyway, welcome to the board and I'm sure you will get lots of feedback on
your question.


I know prednisone is 'OK'.


I have been pregnant twice while suffering from JRA. My first pregnancy I took prednisone and had no problems at all. My second I went into remission so I didn't take meds at all but afterwards my arthritis came back full force.
I know since that time (last pregnancy was 1997) they have approved many more meds for during pregnancy but getting away with the least meds I think is the best. It will depend on how you do.

Good Luck!!!!!


Thanks everyone.

Marcy, good to know that it can happen Enbrel and Humira have also been used without problems. You can stay on
them till/if you go into remission. You'll need something like that so you can
get into the positions to get pregnant. heehhee.

Many go to a high risk OB/GYN when deciding to get pregnant. The
specialists are up on what is good and what is bad. I believe you do not want
to be on pred the first three months as it can lead to clef palete.

Good luck,    Birdy
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