The bed has consumed me! | Arthritis Information


Ya'll been wondering where I have been at? I have been in my bed staying WARM! Oh and sleeping.

I got my 2nd Remicade infusion on December 27th. My arm started burn where the IV was. I told the nurse about it she checked it and said it was ok. But it still felt like a burning sensation going up my arm, so she slowed the drip down, which helped a lot with the burning sensation.

My knees and a couple of other body parts started swelling again like 3 days before my 2nd infusion. So... hopefully it will last the month before my 3rd infusion on Jan 24th.

I have not been in horrid pain since my 1st infusion. My right hip still has limited ROM and when I walk I hurt it some how or move a certain way. And of course my left ankle still acts up and does not like for me to be on it long.

No pain meds since Dec 4th!!! YAY!!! But I still carry a couple around in my purse just incase.

Remicade is pretty COOL... compared to Humira. I thought Humira done a good job, but nope... Remicade does a better job.

I got a hair cut yesterday. And I am going to dye it black. My mommys hair is black. My mom said it will make me look pale if I dye my hair black. *shrugs shoulders* It was either black or a purplish color.

Yep, nothing much going on with me. Just been laying in bed trying to stay warm and catch up on sleep.

Joonie - what did you find out about your hip? Didn't you have an MRI or something before Christmas?

No MRI, it was a nuclear scan. I have no idea about what the results were. I do not go back to see her until Feb. And I figured if there were something bad, she would have called me to come in by now. So... it is probably just tendonitis. *crosses fingers*

Hey! I can cross my fingers now... no more imaginary crossing of fingers!

I am waiting for taxes to roll around. That will help us out in the bill department.

I was thinking about a heated throw.I think I read on here about them. I think they sell for about ? I plan on getting my taxes in early too. That will help so much!According to the dot com of wally world they are . But still... way cheaper than the electric blanket.

thx for the info, Joonie

Your Welcome.

We are suppose to be back up into the 70's by Monday. *shakes head* I mean go from high of 30 degrees to high of 70 degrees in a matter of 3 days.


I hear ya, it's supposed to be 58 on Sunday. Today our high was 17. Yesterday the wind was gusting up to 25 mph and the wind chill factor was minus 12. No wonder everyone gets sick. Crazy weather. Down in FL they are worried about the crops freezing. I am usually hot but not the last few days, I can't get warm enough. Yeap, I need that electric blankie throw thingie. LOL

I'm going to go to my cold bed now. Good night!

Nite Sleep tight and warm!