Vitamins as a whole | Arthritis Information


Well been trying to fiqure out my quizzle all day. Was reading up on vitamins. As i was as confused if not more as to how i got my blood work to change so dramatically to the good in a few days time. And also wondering why my muscle are so sore and stiff when i finally get my potasium to a low normal level. And the glucose level. Well i gave up the mass suplements for a multi vitamin high b complex , calcium and d vitamins and some magnisium. I also dropped the fish oil and probiotic as i hated to for some reasons, but was just sure it was making me sleep my life away. Anyway i got into reading about magniesium which i know all about used to take a supplement. Also was reading about vitamin b 1, thimine and necessary with potasium funtion. And it all made sence. Also was noting that certain tummy bacterias prevent absorbtion of thimine , then you get into the things that deplete thiamine or cause you to not absorb it like fish and coffee. I have been really good about staying away from the coffee as i gave it up for heart burn purposes at start of flare. And i gave up tea years ago for asthma. So you have to have thiamine , I think it is thiamine or b 1 the same thing don't hold me to it i did alot of reading different things, to get your potasium to work. Handy it comes in a banana with both thiamne and potasium which is good if you do not deplete it or prevent absorption. So you also need all of these vitamins for gut function, muscle function and kidney function, heart function. So then you have the gut thing and all so much more. Magnisium that made for some interesting reading on it's own for many many problems i have been having. So i guess i did right just listening to my body and trying to fiqure out what made it happier and did not. Well i had a 3.1 low potasium two months ago it dropped to 3.0 by last thursday. And my glucose was 56 last thursday. Well five days later i was 3.7 potasium normal range. And my glucose 75. All i changed was a good multivitamin and i guess my pred was raised from 10 mg to 20 mg. You would think that would make potasium lower? Would that help glucose? And i quit taking the Omacor and probiotic. Seemed banana actually helped fatigue and the fish oil fat concentrat and probiotic made me sleepy, sleepy. I already had the potasium problem before i started either one of those. I am just saying they were maybe fighting off me correcting the problem, maybe. Know one really knows for sure. And my glucose was actually high before taking these things. Not much but one point high.  Odd isn't it. All sorts of possible reasons i found in the vitamin reading so know actual dx at this time, just to many reasons. To many reasons that fit my particular problems. Interesting links i noticed to auto immune and magniesium deficiency. Blood test from two months ago i noticed just today, noted had magnisium level posted on it, it was in normal range but very low normal range. I did not see this on the test from last thursday or a sed rate, wonder if they take longer to come back. Or why those were not on this test. Anyway i spent months loosing wieght, sleeping and not eating well. Would be nice to turn this around. To be awake and pain free is where i intend to go. Well sad to say my white blood count is improved but still 13.9 which is better then 16.9. Still working on that one. Anyway i have alot more reading to do and still will not really know. But a bit of education never hurt. Still stiff and sore and have a tummy ache. Heart burn. do not really like the vitamin but will take it anyway see if i improve. And the Omacor and probiotic did make my tummy feel better, i think i like being awake with heartburn better. Not sure but i think thats how i feel. milly39449.9011111111

Milly -

Your body does most of it's healing when you sleep.  I know you didn't like the probiotic - but you are still on antibiotics and those probiotics help the gut digest and convert some foods into Vitamin K.  Could your blood tests be leveling out because you were on the probiotics?  Quiting now might not be such a good thing.  And if you upped the pred - of course you feel a bit better. 

Please keep reading on the gut connection to vitamins.  It's where the food we eat is converted into minerals and vitamins that protect and fuel our cells.



Yes i know the pred is why i am feeling better. I am saying i am investigating and quizzling. I will probably still take a probiotic but not maybe today. As i am quizzeling about the glucose level as much as anything. As well of course the potasium level. I mean the multi vitamin had no potasium in it. I only felt better for two days. Well i am not swelled really as bad but still trying to. Extra pred did not work to keep me awake when i took the probiotic or the Omacor. And may even be do to an allergy as much as anything. I do of course not know. I am in the mist of an allergic reaction.  I am not saying i do not like probiotics, I do. Just still have a few strange things going on. Well maybe more then a few. And the answers seemed to be hidden in the vitamin chain of events. Well i noticed there is fish in the vitamin and am now wondering if i have also a fish allergy. Skin stuff red exzama patches. I am sure i can get a different vitamin with no fish. My legs feel like lead wieghts so maybe magniesium. And there was a thing or two that about explained me totally in the vitamin portion. I am just trying to make some sense out of it. No major decisions made yet just reading and thinking. Hmmm that makes sence , and this makes sence.Anyway i like the part about things making some scence. I like to wrap my brain around and understand things. Some sort of mental security blanket. I hate feeling confused. A control issue. I have a control issue with this disease. So all this stuff was making sense and it just made me feel better. Have not made an effort to do anything about what i read still reading. I just thought it was kind of nice to reading something about myself that made a little sence for a change. So i still only read about so much a day. Like this morning i was like Glucose!! I am thinking do i really know what i need to know about glucose. Arrgg. More i need to know.

I tell ya, I'm really not into all this studying.  I have to (for control too?) though.

