Thursday chat | Arthritis Information


Morning to all, its a very cold one here and snow is predicted for later today. Fatigue has hit me bad today and my body gave me a late christmas present "4 big nodules" !! I am seeing my rheumy to sort out something as my RA has flared up really bad. My friend has just been diagnosed RA and my sister is going for her RA results this afternoon. Is this disease just spreading lately??

I hope everyone has a good day

Take care

Hi Lisa, sorry to hear to are feeling so bad today. The cold weather hopefully wont last long and the rheumy can get you on something to help. I dont think RA is spreading I think just that more people are aware of it these days like asthma.Therefor more people are diagnosed.Its like we just think we have the meds sorted out and are starting to feel good that it rears its ugly head again. All the best and gentle

Ally~it is so nice to see you around.  You always have a wonderfully cheerful word!  I hope you are doing well with the Embrel!!  It is so nice to find something that works.

Ok, I went to the eye doctor, and the viscal inflamation is gone!  Thank you!  Although the glaucoma(which is caused by the arthritis) has gotten worse.  So, I am still visiting him once a month.  My vision seems to have stabalized for right now, and i am happy about that. 

The massage therapist...well, let's say, she was not happy.  I am inflamed worse than she has ever seen me.  She worked on my back and there were places that she could not even penetrate the muscle tissue.  My ribs are completely inflamed again. 

I guess my question is....I have had five Remicade infusions, and still do not have a substantial life back(no pred.).  How long do I wait and suffer?  I should be feeling something other than frustration, right???

Shelly- I was chatting to a lady at our hospital just before xmas and she has been having remicade infusions and has had no relief from them at all. Her Rheumy is going to try something else. What does your rheumy say about the lack of effect that you are having from them.

Ally-Thanks for the kind words and as you say its probably the awareness thats bringing RA to the forefront.

Well, I only have one thing to say and that is...I DON'T WANT TO GO TO
WORK!!! I hope you all are having a pain free wonderful day. Gotta go!

Good morning!  I see that it isn't a very good one for you Pin, Shelly.  I hope the day gets better as it moves along.

I have to go to work now.  Meant to be out of here an hour ago.  Buit that's one of the good things about my job.  I can never really be "late".  See y'all later.

Goodmorning early birds....

Link about what you said in yesterdays chat.  Yea he has been talking about starting his own business for a while now.  And we havent talked about if I would be doing both or what.  I probably would since it brings in that little bit of extra income but maybe on a part time basis. 

Hopefully Im going to get this office finished today....Maybe then I'll be able to see this "carpet".........hmmmm I wonder what the color of it is soposed to be 

Rheumy also does not want to give me pred, because of the masking of pain.  I also have some eye issues that he does not want to exhasterbate.  I know I will lose my sight, but I am hoping for a slowing down of that process.  I am losing 5% of the optic nerve a month right now. 

ok heres a question for all you moms (and dads) and well those of you that dont hve have children....How can somebody NOT be able to hande their own children???? I mean really now......I dont mean to be mean but its slightly aggravating.  A friend of mine has 3 kids, 5, 3.5 and 2.5 and has to take her husband to get his tooth pulled and wants me to watch to 2 younger ones cause "I cannot handle all of them"  That is what she said!!!!

I missed so much over the holidays with the wedding reception and my sons being home.  I am assumong you're in your new house?  Congratulations

Shelly~ Don't forget that Cordy did get relief, their is still much hope for you too.

Did I mention that it was only 6 this morning?  That's 6 degrees.  Yeah, I love Michigan.

Link, yea we are in the new house now.  And only thanks to my mom we are completly unpacked.  I have only a few things to put away in my office and some clothes to put away in my bedroom, but other then that I am done!!!

When I came online at 7:30am the yahoo weater said -3!!!! YUCK 

Oh, Link you are VERY right....The 2 youngest listen to me 90% of the time.  MUCH better then they listen to their parents.  Their 5 year old got suspended from Kindergarten...yes Kindergarten for not listening to direction since the begining of school and being disruptive then the last day before Winter break they couldnt find her for 30 mins a recess.....

Suspended from Kindergaten?  That's pretty bad.  That kid must be a little terror in class.  I know a mom that never discilplined her daughter.  She threatend and yelled alot though.  The girl is 18 now and over the years she has been in so much trouble.  Drugs, alcohol, boys, the police.  You name it, she's done it.  And those are only the things she got caught for.  Who knows what else she did.  Your friend isn't doing her kids or society in general any favors by letting her kids run the show. She's hurting them and she probably doesn't even know it.  BTW....did she blame the teacher for her daughter's suspension?  Parent's like that seem to always blame everyone but themselves or their kids.No, she didnt blame the teacher but from my point of view from what I have seen she's not punishing/disciplining her from what has happened at school.  She does reward her when she has had a good day but nothing when she's had a bad day.  Which in my opinoin is jut as important as rewarding for the good days.  I guess she did find out that there are 3 other children that have the same behavior problems in the class in addition to her daughter.  I dont put up w/ my kids or any kids not listening to what I tell them to do.   Sure they are going to misbehave but when they do they deal w/ concenquences.  Like today, the 2 younger ones are 3.5 and 2.5 and they all wanted to color so I told them that they needed to clean up what they had already taken out in the play room before they were able to color.  The younger ones wouldnt listen, I kept warning them (more then I do w/ Kelsay since she is older) I told them that if they cannot listen they were going to take a nap (you could tell they were tired).  They still wouldnt listen so one of them is in my bed and the other is in Kelsays room taking a nap.  None of her kids have any kind of routine either.  They are self employed and are not able to have them in child care right now so she keeps them in the van w/ her all day.  IMHO I belive that children need a routine.  She complains that the oldest has no interest in potty training but how can he when he is in his car seat all day?  Sorry things like that just really bother me, espically when it has to do w/ kids.It bothers me too Shannon.  I feel sorry for those kids being stuck in a car seat all day.  Must be hard on the whole family.  Yea I feel sorry for them too, which is why I agree to watch them as often as I do. I could go on and on about things ive seen but I wont....I can see why she cant handle them though, when the kids were in day care they were there till 6pm then they ate dinner and went to bed they were really never around them and when they wer they didnt listen to them...But for some God unknown reason they listen to me better then them for the most part....

I think kids often are more, or at least more quickly obedient for other grown ups.  You know how many times while my kids were growing up I got comments from their friends parent's about how well behaved and respectful my kids are??  I'd be like, wait a minute, do you know which kid is mine?!!!

OMG! I was sitting up last night watching an infommercial, there was nothing else on TV at 4am, and I SOOOO want what it was about. It was called the Shark Steam Mop. It was soooo COOL!!!!

If I had one of those I would be on cloud 9! Because my house would be germ free!!!! And best of all... spotless!