Question about sero-negative RA | Arthritis Information


Has anyone started out sero-negative and then gradually crept into the positive arena?

When I first began to show symptoms of RA, my RF was negative.  Two months later it jumped 9 points and now is one point away from being on the positive side.  I'll have another test in 3 months.

Just wondering if anyone can tell me how the RF numbers usually work.  I'm worried that it will continue rising, or does it usually level off at some point once you're being treated?  

Thanks for any info!



     I had RA symptoms for (6) months and started out Sero-Negative. At that time, I was started on Plaquenil. Almost (2) months later I tested Sero-Positive and my RD added MTX. To my knowledge, since the time that I tested positive, during this past year they've only tested my bloodwork in order to monitor the MTX and check my CRP (inflammation markers).

Ryan (Ta2d)

I've read that that is often the case.  Going from sero neg to sero pos is reletively common.I have been sero-negative and sero-positive and then sero-negative and then one way and another ... ...

I know others who segue from one polarity to the other without any identifiable cause or condition. This very thing in one of the mysteries of RA (as well as other AI conditions), and a factor in making diagnosis difficult at best.

The numbers can bounce like that proverbial ping-pong ball.

Con brio. Happ
If I remember right, I said , IF, the test they use to test for inflammation is the sed. rate. I can't remember what the norm is. That's the number they really watch that and your liver.