waiting for darvocett to set in !!!! | Arthritis Information


RA feels like an evil spirit sometimes, seeping into my body.  Since I got up this morning, my L wrist started swelling, then my right, then my right knee is swollen and now my right toe is swelling.  GEEEEEEEESH.  It happens so fast.  The stupid thing is, it is almost tempting to not take my meds as I am going to rd on Tues. to try extend my disability a month.  What if I take my meds and this swelling goes away!  Then I get to be in that wonderful position we all know - feeling like I am on the hot seat trying to convince the rd that I AM SICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  DAmn this disease makes me angry.  Come on darvocett, do your trick.  By the way, I STILL don't regret camping. 

Mina,  If you are reading this - I think my toe is "sympathetic" swelling for your toe pain.

Oh well, I guess today is a computer day.  Come on you guys- give me some juicy posts to keep my mind off this pain

Wondering how many of our members are in Katrina's path?  We must have some, with over 800 signed up.  Joonie's more inland, but think she will get plenty rain anyway.

Hi Roxy-sorry to hear you are having so much pain
today. Has the darvocet worked yet

I have been in a bad flare for about two weeks now. I
took my mtx friday night hoping I would see
improvement (i usually do) but not yet. bummer. my
next remicade is not till 9/23. I increased my pred to
10 mg...but nothing yet. My rheumy doesn't give pain
pills, just advil. However I do have some ultramm (?)
from a reg. gp and might try that. Haven't posted too
much lately ...been hard to type. I have these wierd
nodules in my palm-about 5 of them, that really hurt
when I open my hand or move my fingers.

Anyway, you mentioned that you went camping. I'm
sure it was worth it to get outside. I really envy your
lifestyle...with your dogs, swimming in the river, etc.

I was an outdoors person most of my life. My dad is
a fisheries/water resources biologist. He worked for
the dept. of the interior so our lives have always been
centered on the outdoors.

When we were young we lived in yellowstone for 6
years and it was so great!! (except for the time I was
chased by a bear because he wanted my pbj
sandwhich) Always wanted to be a forest ranger...
but am not. Love to fish and camp, (and hike when
for so fat). My ex husband and I went fishing all the
time when I lived in Vegas. Love the water.

Anyway, was trying to cheer you up but got off track!! I
realy do hope that you will be able to get that extra
month off work. it would make so much difference.
and if they send you back too soon, you may have to
be off soon again anyway. So it would be in their
best interest too to have you stay off one more

Well, I hope by now you are feeling a little relief!!

Take care,

Hey Hula,  Convincing anyone that you are REALLY sick makes me almost as angry as the disease itself

Tara,  How fun you are an outdoors lover too.  I have been married twice.  I always say I do it every twenty five years

I am supposed to take mtx tonight.  I know it helps my flare symptoms it is just that it also makes me sick.  So I am torn - will it relieve enough of the flare symptoms to get sick again  UGH  and yes, the darvocett kicked in. 

You know the funny thing is, I have a lot of areas with swelling, but I have been in way more pain with no swelling.  It is BS that you have to have swelling to have pain with ra.  My pain and swelling do not correlate in intensity.  GO FIGURE.  That is why I come here.  The doctors JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!!  I am sorry Tara your rheumy does not give you something more for pain.  I could not cope without darvocett.  You did cheer me up and I would share my darvocett with you if I could


Poor Roxy.I was so afraid this was gonna happen to you after your camping trip.

I have never had anyone put it the way you do about treating the symptoms or holding on til you see the dr. so they can see the swelling and the pain.I have thought that many times.I wish  we could transport ourselves to the dr. when we feel like we do.

I sure hope that darvocet kicks in real soon.Hang in there!

Hi Rox ~
I'm so sorry that you're still hurting  Could you move your dr appt to tomorrow instead of waiting another day?   I think I might go to the dr. in the morning if my toe's not any better and get a cortisone shot so I can function, I'm sorry your feeling sympathy pains it'll get better.  I think you shouldn't have any problem extending your time off, if you do, I'll come talk to your doctor!!

Talk to you soon.

Hope you are feeling better soon.  As for the mention of Yellow Stone, I love that place and the Tetons.  I wish I could transport myself there just for a few moments.  I can smell the sulfur now, hee...hee...hee!  I love the elk, coyotes, buffalo, etc.  I love nature!  Wish I could go for a horseback ride but that makes my knees hurt so bad, I could actually scream with the pain.  Damn, that I do miss!  I might just go somewhere and rent a horse for one hour.  I would love to take my doc for a ride with me so he could see the tears rolling down my face.  Oh well, I'll have to settle for rubbing their noses. 

I hope you talk your doc into staying home just a little longer! 

Oh Cris.  A horseback ride sounds like AGONY with my butt

Oh yes, the sulphur.  Have you been to Mt. Lassen?  I use to work in Lassen forest.  The sulphur springs are hard for me to tolerate

I cannot imagine my doc allowing me to go back to work but if he does, I will go back and see what happens.  One day at a time......................

Roxy, hope you are able to take the mtx without to
much nausea. I took mine on friday though and I felt
the same way. Hoping the 'medicine' part kicks in

My dad actually worked at first for the department of
the interior for many years then when we moved to
boulder city/las vegas he worked as assist regional
director for the bureau of reclamation.

I loved being in yellowstone. there weren't any other
kids around so my two younger sisters and I just did
alot of hiking any playing in the woods (although my
dad had boundries marked out for us.) Lots of
animals...bears, cubs, moose & walking through
our back yard.    I didn't have brothers and was the
oldest so my dad took me to work with him alot. We
counted firsherman, worked at the hatcheries, etc.
My dad had to do a lot of pack trips back in the
mountains for research and discovered a new little
stream and named it after my youngest sister!

When we got to Vegas my dad bought us each a
   spent alot of time riding out in the desert and
down to the river. Anyway, babbling now.

I do hope you are feeling better soon!!!

Oh Tara,  That sounds like so much fun.  I was raised in Oregon.  Did a lot of exploring in the "woods" up there as a kid.  It gets in your blood.  I had all brothers and they didn't really like me tagging along so I spent a lot of time alone in nature.  I once had a ranger "butterfly" a cut I got on my foot from a beer bottle in a creek.
Hey Mike.  I just  got rx for a muscle relaxer I think may work better than darvocett.  It is soma.  Have you ever tried it?  I sleep great on it and it totally relaxes me.  Darvocett makes me nervous.   Now I am just trying to stay awake as late as I can so I sleep when I go to bed.  I napped too long.  So why is Vicoden Mr. versus Ms. Xanax
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