Odd symptom question | Arthritis Information


First of all, it feel so good to be on the boards again!  I only posted a handful of times in the fall, but you all were so welcoming.  I just had to step away to deal with the beginning of the meds on my own.

One question:  Has anyone ever had a symptom like the one I am about to describe?

Pain, achey-ness in joints aside, there are times when I feel like I cannot lift my arms up.  Almost as if I had been bench pressing (HA HA HA!!!) for an hour and my muscles were so tired. So the lethargy I feel is actually in my arms and forearms, and behind my shoulders. I feel like there are weights holding my upper body down.

Does this come from the RA, or am I looking at something all-together different?  It is really painful and quite a pain in the tush.




Lisa~ it's sounds like you have some Fibro going on too. That's the way my arms and shoulders feel all the time. Heavy and painful.

Anyway, that was his symptom after starting the med, and he had to stop it. 

Sorry this is so vague, but I guess my advice would be call your rheum and see if any of your meds can cause it, before you worry it is a new symptom of your disease or a new disease starting.  Good luck.     

Hi Lisa, yes I get this and it is really annoying, especially when I am doing repetetive things like hanging out the washing (on a frame, not the washing line - too high) it is debilitating.  I have Fibro and RA, and I don't know which one causes it, my muscles feel exhausted - just like you say and they never seem to improve much.  I was on Gabapentin, but found they don't do much except help me to gain weight!  So now I take Endep for it and they help.  Best of luck from Janie.  Cruddy issue. I had a few days like that early on but they would move in a day or two! Give them a call I agree. They are getting plenty of money so let them help out. Before my dx I definitely had this problem very similar to how you describe it RHDcRH. I'm now convinced that it was another RA manifestation where the pain and weakness resulted from inflammation in the muscles and tendons, plus perhaps referred pain from my shoulder joints.

Another cause for my favourite saying about RA: Stupid disease. Sounds like a reaction to your current meds. What are you on again?
If its not the meds then I agree with Moana---sounds like fibro which can most definitely feel like that!

Meds are Mtx, pred and folic acid.

That's it.  I was on a low dose of the mtx, 7.5, and he wanted to double when I had no relief, but my side effects (nausea, vomiting) were really severe, so he only upped me to 10mg.  Oddly, no adverse reactions anymore.  Now he has upped my pred. to 10 mg, and I'm to call him if no change by tomorrow.

Also, I have pain in my jaws and my neck. Are these normal RA areas?

I know people want to take as little med as possible, but really I want whatever they can give me so that I feel better.  I don't  care what the long term effects are, I just want to feel better NOW!@!


Lisa, this sounds like something I have had several times. I take muscle relaxers along with a vicadin and it helps it. Also have a rice bag that I heat in microwave and put on shoulders. That helps alot!

Give your doc a call and they can help you out.

take care

I do get RA flares in my jaw...to the point it's very painful to chew.  I'm pretty certain it's due to RA because Humira knocks it out pretty fast...within 24 hrs of a Humira injection the pain is gone.


Hi, I have PA and I have a lot of muscle weakness, hanging washing is near impossible,my hubby does it most of the time. and some days just holding the brush up to brush my hair is exhausting.Lifting the kettle is hard and even my coffee cup i often have to hold with two hands.

Hey Lisa,

I'm glad you're back!


Alright i was sick and i was flaring and i had that. But alas i have fibro and RA. But i was on nothing but pred and do not get with fibro usually. I think you are flaring. Thats my opionion. Well other then that i had an infection and low potasiun but i think it was the RA caused it. I had it twice and it lasted at least a few days both times maybe longer. HAppened abot two months apart.There are so many symptoms with RA. I get aches in my muscles too and terrible, terrible fatigue. Many times it's the tired feeling that gets to me more than joint pain or swelling. Hope you feel better soon.
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