OT - I’m kinda back hehe (PICTURES!) | Arthritis Information


And with pictures!!!!!! My myspace has a whole album called "Family" with photos from my trip to WI.


arriscolwell39451.4172106481How are you kinda back? Does that mean your brain has stepped out for lunch? You got it!


Glad to see you made it back Katie...partially

ha ha

Hi Katie! Glad you're back...we missed you!

Gotta go check out your pics now!

Welcome back!  Enjoyed the pics!

Thanks Kiddo. I was gonna rip on them for not figuring that out. LOL Type it in you technologically-impared goobers!!!!!

If I get a chance sometime soon, I'll make a slide show. But don't hold your breath. LOL


I'm glad to be back!! Sorta. I miss my mommy. Hehe but I missed my Justin and my kitten too. OH MAN SHE WAS SO SWEET TO ME!! She's been up my butt since I walked through the door. LOL Attached at the hip. Do kittens have hips? Anyway......

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