Crazy Crap! | Arthritis Information


I was cleaning up my room and ran across the release papers from when I went to the ER. Well... it is some crazy stuff on those papers.

My DXs were Arthritis & muscle spasms, right? Well... they give a little info about each one and what can be done for it.

For arthritis it says to do mild exercise and any motion to the joint will help patients with osteoarthritis by decreasing some of the stiffness.

Then for muscle spasm it says you should rest the involved area as much as possible and avoid any physical or strenous activity.

Now, I ask... is that contradictory or what?

It was all in the same place my right leg... at first it says to exercise the area and then it says not to. It is confusing to say the least. And some crazy crap! Good thing I did not read that when I was given it LMAO! It would have drove me crazy thinking I was to be exercising the affected area.