damage to joints without swelling | Arthritis Information


Hi all, initially when my RA reared it's ugly head I experienced alot of swelling ,eventually joint damage and pain. After a couple of years of trial and error the RD finally found  a combination of drugs that got the swelling under control. She had to up my MTX and the swelling has stayed quit managable. My question is that even though my swelling is almost non-existent in my fingers and wrists,elbow,and ankles the damage is still going on. My wrists are now dislocated and I experience alot of stinging pain in the wrists and knuckles on the top of my hands.  I need a knee replacement, and I also need my foot fused. My doctor doesn't want to change my meds as she says there is no evidence of flare activity and is going to leave things just as they are. Before my mom passed away from RA she experienced alot of the same issues that I do now. Is there anyone else out there going through this too?

I have a similar problem..what happens is that in the initial disease activity joints are damaged..once any damage occurs it can progress due to the secondary osteoarthrtis regardless of the activity of RA.

However any time you question your treatment it is worth getting a second opinion

I very rarely have any swelling although my PA is quite severe with joint damage. It boils down to your most recent xray results.  All of the xrays should be compared to see how progressive the disease is.  If you're still progressing then I'd question the RD or even get copies of the xrays and reports and get a second opinion.  My RD lines up the results of my xrays and we go from there. If the diease is progressing then you need to have your meds adjusted.  Lindy

How often should x-rays be done?  I haven't had any done since my diagnosis in Oct. '06.  Just wondering what the norm was.


Lori, I think it probably depends on the severity of the disease, the amount of inflammation and swelling and the length of time that they've been present and the meds that you're on.  I have hand xrays done every 12-16 months depending on how I'm doing.  I have RA/PA/OA in my hands and wrist.  It seems every RD has a different timeline for testing. Lindy

Ok, Thanks Lindy.  I appreciate the reply.  I have an appt with my RD next week and will address the xray issue.  I just want to be sure that no damage is taking place... My body feels like its burning alot of the time and I don't know if thats normal or not...I really am so lost when it comes to how I should be feeling.  My dr. doesn't seem to beable to answer all my questions, but there aren't many RA Drs. in my area and I do really like her..

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