Arthritis Information -New Journey


Hi, I am just starting this new journey and looking forward to support on the way.  I am 46yo and competed in my 1st triathlon in July. At the end of September I got sick, possibly epstein barr virus and also had pain in my hands and feet. I had a weak positive RF lab test and was referred to a rhumatologist. Pain has increasingly gotten worse in my hands, wrists, feet and ankles. I was on meloxicam for a couple weeks and then started Prednisone. I have been on 20mg since Dec. 15th, went in for an MRI this week which really didn't show anything significant on my hand {but the 20mg is working, and I feel the best I have in 2 months}. Just will be starting methotrexate MTX? this weekend and beginning to wean off the 20 mg in a couple of weeks. Dr. is saying "inflammatory arthritis" and to treat  symptoms. I keep trying to figure out how I went from feeling my best to my worst in a couple of weeks. I get scared when I read too much on RA but know its time to start researching this. If anyone could tell me a little about how the methotrexate made you feel that would be great. I also had labs repeated last week and was negative for RF, Dr. stated that can happen also.
Welcome Debbie.  Sorry you had to find us, but we all made this first post, just like you.  Best of luck and welcome aboard.  Cathyyes welcome Debbie, you will meet the best people here, they have lots of advice, good & bad and they care YOu sound very much like me, except I could never be a triathlete. I am approx your age and a nurse though and still trying to figure out what's going on. Hope you're better soon and can wean off the prednisone :) [QUOTE=DebH]...I keep trying to figure out how I went from feeling my best to my worst in a couple of weeks.[/quote]
Hell-o! DebH, I can certainly relate...decades after my dx I am still trying to figure it out!
[quote]If anyone could tell me a little about how the methotrexate made you feel that would be great.[/quote]
MTX, at least for me, is a mixed blessing. I have taken it both po and subq and find the subq gentler on my digestive track as well as more effective.

Initially, I did have some significant hair thinning and a difficult time with mouth ulcers, but doubling up on folic acid slowed both those problems. I do, on occasion still experience mouth ulcers in the days after taking MTX. However, I find that using hydrogen peroxide rinses lessens the sting and heals the areas speedily. I also have glyoxide on hand and use it frequently.

MTX, as the cornerstone of my current treatment cocktail, has effectively halted ulnar drift and for the most part kept my large joints mobile.

Allow me to suggest that you speak with your physician about including Fish Oil as an integral part of your treatment and consider Milk Thistle to be your new best friend.

Also, now is the time to do some research about antibiotic therapy, AKA AP, there are a few active threads in the Rheumatoid Arthritis section of the message board.

I know how overwhelming both the diagnosis and the reality of AI (autoimmune)disease is, however being proactive is, at least from my point of view, the most important element in your treatment.

With courage, DebH, with courage!
HAPP, WENDYR, ROSE, CATHY, Thanks so much for your reply.  I appreciate all your words of encouragement.  I am going to investigate abx as well as milk thistle. Have a great day! Deb

Nothing to add but wanted to Welcome you to the site.


Hello Deb and welcome. The whole thing is scary when you read all the blurb about what's going on in your body. You will find that with the medication comes a bone weary tiredness, possible tummy upset (depending on how good your tum is), possible hair loss, possible this, that and the other. We all take the same types of drugs and they affect us differently. Rest assured though, there is always someone on the board who will have suffered in exactly the same way you are.

Never be afraid to ask what might seem like a silly question because as far as the people on this board are concerned there arent any. There's lots of advice and comfort to be found here, I dont know how I'd have got through the initial dx if it hadnt have been for some of the great people here.

Welccome to AI!