Not Fair ... Arava | Arthritis Information


Anyone get diarrhea from arava?  If so, how can you treat it?

I am only on the lowest 10mg dose and already i get what my husband calls the "bow whoomps", basicly you are fine then te stomach makes that sound and you have a minute to find the nearest bathroom.


Can you have yogurt?  The probiotics in that should help.

One of my daughter's preschool teachers also said to buy acidopholus capsules and put them in applesauce - she said applesauce helps, too, but I guess an adult wouldn't have to mix it, just take the capsule and also eat applesauce.


Arava is a good med i think it is helping your liver. I was allergic and it shut my bowel down i would have rather had the diarea. Kids pediaritian told me years ago bananas, chicken for kids diarea. It works well for me also. Stick with the cereal because the bananas could get you to clogged.

Really if two or three bananas a day does not help well and drink lots of water will help then ask doc about some good old fashion omodium i can not spell my brain has left diarea pill. My brother has micro scopic cholits has to  take diarea pill. He was in the navy and now works for halaburtan. Had mono and blood poisoning in the navy had encepholitis from misqito in another country. When he runs out of scipt from to busy he goes to store and gets diarea pill. He had lead poisoning did kelation can not spell. Wants to send me to his natural meds doc. Anyway he is an all natural meds guy except for the runs he takes medicine for that. But i do not know if that is ok with Arava ask doc. milly39452.635474537thanksI don't know as much as others here, but can you take Immodium? it's great stuff for diarrhea if it won't interact badly with your other meds...

Actuall i had had the runs and even sort of orange runs for years and i started taking the cultrurelle and i do not remember took a few days but i havn't had runs very the opposite. But i was reading about vitamins and i saw that certain forms of bacteria can prevent absorbtion of thiamin in the bowel so be careful. I quit taking for now as i was to clooged and had potasium deficency and need my thiamine at the moment. Not quit forever and i was having potasium problems prior to taking the probiotic it just was getting worse, just not the right time for me to take this med thats all. milly39452.6470023148yes i can take it, but i worry about trying to plugg me up too much if it doesn't stop.Well i got to plugged and honey on bread before bedtime and ceral fixed that. Generously honey covered bread. Really a good stool softener. So lots of honey really does the trick for that. But i also eat lots of rasin bran and oatmeal as i have to eat the bananas for potasium.Since I've been having a kefir and berry smoothie every day I've had way less
bowel problems. Kefir has a broad range of probiotics and berries are

I've been on Arava for 1 1/2 years and had horrible diarrhea, gas and bloating the entire time. I stopped eating bananas and the diarrhea went away. It's been two months now and the problem has not returned. Just so you know, I ate a banana every day for potassium for years and never had a problem with diarrhea until I started Arava. I guess they're not compatible - at least in my digestive system. 