Constant Fever | Arthritis Information


I am wondering if anyone else with RA has a constant fever? I have had a fever between 99.4 to 100.7 for months. Well i had fever and chills with RA flare. I just could never tell how cold or hot it really is. Probably still do just guess i am getting used to it sort of. Didn't think that was possible. I would sweat alot also.


I get fevers that come and go. I can wake up in morning feeling like I have a full on flu but then it dissappears again the next day. 

I have been taking my temp 2x a day since Novemeber and I always have a fever (yes, the thermometer is working, I have 3 kids and it works on them). I was dx in May 2007 and during my last appointment I informed my rheumy  that I was had a constant fever. He did not seem to concern, but I thought I would ask fellow patients of RA What does your doctor say about it?  Because I am on biologics, she wants to know as soon as I get a fever.He wasn't concerned. He said it was part of the RA.  I had the low level fevers for a long time (more than six months), but then one day they just disappeared.  I still get them occasionally.

I had minor fevers and flu/cold like symptoms that would disappear during the day.  I definitely got more feverish/coldish symptoms during my flares.  It's one of the reasons I focused on 'infection' and decided on antibiotics.

Hugs, and welcome to the Board!


Mine runs 99.2 to 99.8 ALL the time, that's normal for me now. Just part of RA.

My temp was (back when i was healthy) always below normal, but now runs 99.5 to 101.


Welcome Jeff and a great thread.  What has always been weird for me is that I am always sub-normal temps, rarely do I get up to 98.6.  Around 97.2 is my number.  I thought RA was above fevers.  I will never figure this out.  Good luck and drink lots of good filtered water.  Cathy

If the RA is acting up, I run about a degree above normal... and I definitely feel feverish!  Yuk!

I did have a constant fever initially but the RD was not concerned with it. It stopped after awhile. Since there was no sign of infectio....( bloodwork) and no virus, dunno what it was from.

Not very good info....but hope it helps.


If im flaring Im most likely running a low temp. Mostly in the morning. I dont take it anymore but I can tell im running it just by the way I feel.
