Early symptoms of R.A. / contracture? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone.

I'm really hoping that someone can give me insight into my situation.  I am a 24-year-old female, and I have had mysterious recurring "attacks" on my hands for a year now that have rendered me unable to work.  They happen about twice a year and last for months at a time. 

Most recently, I awoke in the morning to find that my hands felt horribly swollen (they didn't necessarily look swollen) and that my ring and pinky fingers were slow to open when I tried to open my whole hand.  The movement was very jerky and felt like something inside my hand didn't want me to open those fingers.  Well, these problems have continued since then, and even progressed to the point that I wake constantly through the night because my hands feel swollen and my fingers difficult to move.  Now my middle finger is effected too, and my thumbs "burn" and hurt to close all the way.  These symptoms are lasting longer and longer into my day and starting up again earlier and earlier in the evening. 

Could anyone tell me if these symptoms sound like early symptoms of R.A., and if the inability to smoothly open my fingers are early symptoms of contracture? 

My mom and grandmother both have been diagnosed with R.A., and I have Fibromyalgia (I'm afraid to ask my Rheumy about this because I don't want him to think I'm a hypochondriac).

Thank you so much in advance!

It could be something as simple as the position of your hands when you sleep...but you won't know if you don't tell your doctor about it.  You are 24 and have trouble opening your hand. Tell your doctor. He knows your situation and needs to know. It could be the fibro. But you need a diary of all of your symtoms scince your family history has RA. And your doc needs to know. You have symetric hand problems and RA is symetric usually that is what worries me that and the swollen feelling. Please tell your doc.

Thanks for your responses.  I do intend to tell my doctor; it's just something I'm not looking forward to.  Since I am so young, I just feel strange about it.

Buckeye - I actually have thought about the position of my hands in my sleep.  For the past couple weeks I have tried various positions and braces to make sure that I'm keeping my wrists straight and that I'm not crushing a nerve.

Milly - I have been keeping a diary of symptoms since I also have a history of abdominal maladies (IBS and intestinal adhesions), but so far, I have found no connection.  I was simply fine one day and debilitated the next.

Sigh, well again thank you for your help.  If anyone else cares to chime in, I would be very grateful.




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