OT: Monday Chat | Arthritis Information


Goodmorning everyone!! Not to much happening in my part of the world today.  Just going to do some beading and maybe do a few things around the house and I have to drop Kelsay off at school this afternoon.

Milly, where in IL are you?

Hope yall have a great day!

Morning Shannon.  Monday was a good day.  I had to go back to work today but no boss so it was really quiet.  One more day of no boss and then the rest of the week will be crazy after him being away for 2 weeks. We are already booked solid for the rest of the week.

Glad you are doing some beading and joining the elite group here on AI that beads in their spare time.  This is what I did on holidays...


Good Morning,

I have a fairley easy day today going to show a couple of houses to my friend and then have lunch.  I like it when my client is a friend then it make showing houses not so stressful.  I have had a cold but dh had one at the same time and he was worse so that meant I had to take care of him and me instead of him taking care of me.  that just sucked so I am glad I am better. 

the necklaces are very pretty I am not very craftey when it comes to that kind of stuff and I cannot imagine my fingers cooperating when needing to hold those little beads.  They will not even let me hold a pencil for very long let alone a small bead. 


Those are pretty Pam! I've been itching to work on some stuff since I got back, but I've just been sooooooo tired. S'ok, I'm off tomorrow and wednesday and I plan to bead like beadings going out of style! LOL

Nice work, Pammy

Well, all I can say is that if you're gonna break a record, the record for warm weather is a good one to break.  It is a balmy 62 degrees here in the big mitten today. The record broken? 57 on this date in 1989.  Yeah baby!!!  This is more like it

We are enjoying the weather break here in Eastern TN too!  I believe it is supposed to be about 65 today and 70 tomorrow.  Woohoo.

The beading is beautiful pammy.  I was off work from 12/21 to 1/2 and got a lot of cross stitch done.  It was nice to just be able to stay home (somedays in my pj's all day) and relax.  My hubby and kids were off the same time.  We also watched a lot of movies together.  It really was wonderful.

Hope everyone who has this gorgeous weather break gets to enjoy it.


Hello all,

Link try and not be outside in shorts. The beading looks fun Pam. Katie sit around and do nothing on at least one of your days off! Nothing happening here just a day off.

We are planning on coming to the Punta Gorda (sp) area Katie at the end of the month. I hope to get some fresh fish in my belly.

Pam the beads are lovely, is it very fiddly to do? Dont your hands hurt?

I'm so jealous of the balmy 62... we had an unexpcted 3 inches of snow last night. The gritters havent been out so the roads were bedlam. I wanted to hop right back into bed and take a 'snow day off', but hubby decided he'd get us into Edinburgh by hook or crook (bummer

Give me some sun... puhlease.


Sorry Sarah.  We'll be back in your shoes again soon, I think I heard cold again Wednesday and snow by Friday.  Don't mean to rub in our nice day.  You'll get your's soon I hope.


Hey Jay - wtf is Punta Gorda? I thought Punta was spanish for bitch??? So you're going to visit the fat bitch.............


Oh man, I'm dyin here! Please tell me I've remembered that wrong!!!

Dude yall wanna hear something jacked up??  Ok so where we were living before the bus droped of and picked up Kelsay in FRONT of the house and they wouldnt let her off w/o me being there.  The new school, the bus stop is a block directly behind us and she would been able to walk home....That makes NO sense!!!  Now Im not letting her walk home by herself for a while. The street we live on is VERY busy and well im paranoid


Shannon, yeah I'd be nervous about that too.  Bet you find that all the moms are down there waiting to walk their little ones home.
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