very difficult | Arthritis Information


With RA and fibro, .

I feel your pain--I too have fibro along with JRA and I have to admit--I hate the fibro more!! It just drains you constantly. I don't know about you, but there are days for me that my biggest accomplishment is sitting upright on the couch.
With 2 boys and a husband, I definitely always have something to do! And I feel horrible when my hubby sometimes comes home and has to do everything that I couldn't get done that day. It stinks. I have alot of days when I just feel useless.
I hate fibro.   

Gentle hugs to you

Oh same here! GEntle hugs to you as well.



jodejjr39459.6710185185...jodejjr39459.6712037037Oh no your nachos they made you sick. And i was thinking they sounded so good. Sorry to hear that Jode. I hate this bronchitis that is for sure. Yuk. My new honey called had not seen for a few days. I told him he wasn't missing anything around here. Yuk sick. I told him to feel lucky he did not have this and to run for the hills!They tell me that fibro cannot do any damage to your body at all---it just feels like it is!
But the lack of sleep can---so make sure you are getting your sleep and if not--take something that will help you. Definitely.

I'm sorry you are feeling so cruddy! Jode with the flare and milly with the flu, ugh....

All I can say is rest rest rest (as much as you can) Jode, do you have some sort of deadline for getting the house together? I was told a long time ago, when I am flaring, rest on the couch and watch mindless tv. when the commercials come on, get up and do one thing. As soon as the commercial is over, it is time to rest again.

I think I am flaring from working full-time at the toy store over Christmas. I only missed one day of work and that is because I had to stay until after 1am and was due back at 7am, just couldn't do it. Is it a flare if you are in full body pain and sleeping 12-14 hours each night, because that is what I have been doing on my days off. I can't seem to get anything done. *sigh*

I hope you guys feel better soon!

