OT:Grammaskittles Twister | Arthritis Information


So far, she hasnt blown away or been sucked into a tornado. The storms were close but just south of her. I dunno....maybe she would have benifitted by a trip to Oz. Seriously, though, I'm glad she's okay. I miss GrammaS. Where does she live? I think near my brothers? Last time it was this warm we had the newburgh , in tornado and my sister lived there. The children still talk about it. Why my five year old nephew has become a weather anounser because of it. He understands and pays more attention to the weather then most adults. Many people died, lucky the tornado had picked up and landed just the next street. I say lucky as three babies where in this house and many other children did die that day. We had just moved my mother and her old apartment was shattered. We were very lucky that day. Anyway i went to get my mail yesterday and it was warm and i remembered the Newburge, In tornado. I hope everything is ok here we got rain and it is time to man the lifeboats!!!! That storm was just north of us... I've got friends in the Kenosha area that had the roof ripped off their house. JasmineRain39455.6068402778

It was to the north of us too, but we sure had some thunder booms and got about 2 inches of water. Hubby says water is in basement but just spotted. Could have been worse. Springfield, IL about 20 miles west of me, got hit by a tornado last March that did a lot of damage. Thank God no one was killed. That's crazy IL weather for ya. Temp in the 60's one day, 6 inches of snow the next. LOL

I am glad Grammaskittle and everyone was missed.
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