Link to Article on Fish Oil, mentions RA | Arthritis Information


I found this today in the Wall Street Journal and thought some of you might find it interesting.  It supports what I've read here and elsewhere regarding the benefits of fish oil supplements in RA: home_health_right


I am reading more and more not only on RA, but learning about stomach digestion problems as well.

They all seem to point back to fish oil being a large imporant part of our diets, so I finally started taking some yesterday.  Wasn't easy finding any that were gluten free.

[QUOTE=FormerMermaid]I found this today in the Wall Street Journal and thought some of you might find it interesting.  It supports what I've read here and elsewhere regarding the benefits of fish oil supplements in RA: home_health_right[/QUOTE]

Yep - 3 grams a day of EPA/DHA (about 10 regular capsules) seems to be the sweet spot for me.
