OT internet stalkers | Arthritis Information


it was interesting to me reading a most recent thread where it is believed someone is someone else. As one who is mostly a lurker and very hesiate to post details of my life, I would like to present this question

How would you feel if people (like relatives and acquaintances) read your detailed history and felt your perspective was contrary to there's... or if people used the information to embrass you or confront you.  In all this rambling my question is do you think it is safe to post such details on the internet with the world having access???? What are your thoughts on this subject?

Hi delfina.  I think most of us would be horrified to find ourselves or our on-online friends in a situation where the information we posted here, in a place for support, was used against us in some way.  To answer your question, I don't think it's "safe" to post details of your life on-line.  However, there are a lot of things in the world that are not safe and we need to balance those with our need to live.  I think many of us here post details of our lives because we are in difficult situations and need support.  When you are hurting, whether physically or emotionally, I think it is natural to let your guard down out of need.  Likewise I think when you have received support, it is likely to let down your guard to give help and share good news.

I try to balance my need for privacy with my desire to be a part of this community.  I know there is always the possibilty the information I post could be used against me, but it is a conscious decision to take the risks in order to reap the reward.  However, I think the situation is different for each person.

It is possible to participate without revealing too much, and I hope you will be able to join in more often. As far as my family or friends "using" something I post on here against me? Well this is just me, but it would be a mistake on THEIR part, lemmie tell ya. I agree with Katie. Don't share stuff you wouldn't other wise share in person. I'm not worried about anybody using anything against me because I have nothing to be used.I think the internet is kind of like this~ everyone knows someone that you don't tell things to that you wouldn't want the whole world to know.  They blab.  The internet is that person. If it's something I wouldn't share with the general public, I don't say it.

Well said everyone! I totally agree with you all. take reponsibility for what you post. Jan

I learned the hard way, that if you don't want to be treated like garbage, don't post personal stuff, even if you are in diar need of help for a situation.

Most people in forums are not your friends, even though you would like to think that they are.  They are only here to chat.  You will find some, an when you do, using the private messanger is a good way to communicate, so you don't have to worry about others comments.

Be sure to look over what you type and make sure it is what you want to be said before hiting post reply or send and everything should be ok.

Things you might not want to say about yourself includes:

Your name, family names, private type situations and where you live.  You would be surprised how people can use this against you.

I am sorry, I really never want to give my name , where I live , the names of my kids or any thing else that someone with bad intentions could get a hold of. It is common sense and people who are elderly very sick should be particularly careful to avoid at the least scams and con artist that would like to prey on them .
I have seen them on every board claiming to have a "cure" or some other
way to make your life all rosy . It is wonderful to come here and talk with people about issues that you or a loved one may have but be very careful . It is a sad fact but true that although there are many beautiful souls out there there are many bad souls out there too.

A public support forum is a dangerous place to post very personal information.  That's what PMs are for.

Anyone can gain access to this site.  Look at all the German spammers.

I've been reading the posts and occasionally posting myself for 2 years now, and it is sad to see how some posts get so painfully personal.  We are all in an emotional state, and it is so easy to flare back at someone who doesn't agree with us wholeheartedly.  We don't really mean it, but in an email or a posting, you can't hear the sympathy and caring in another person's voice.  Some things that seem innocent and helpful to the person who posts turn out to be inflammatory to the recipient.

Just an old lady's two cents worth.

I love this forum, and will continue to check it first thing every day!

Hugs to all,



Dr. Phil has a show yesterday about cyber bullying.  It was about the 13 year old girl who thought that she was chatting with a boy who was actually a neighbor that lived a measly 4 doors away.  In essence, the girl committed suicide thinking that the boy did not like her anymore.  The parents have a lawyer who is a US senator and he is trying to pass a bill that these situations can be prosecuted, i.e. cyber bullying.
Roxy, are you reading this?



I wipe my butt with Cottonelle.

I totally understand where you're coming from - especially with all the crap going on nowadays. While I do consider a lot of the people in this forum my friends, sometimes I am hesitant to post certain personal info. However, I tend to have diahrrea (sp?) of the mouth/hands and sometimes get carried away with chatting. I think it is possible to participate in a forum without providing too much personal type info. However, in my opinion, it just seems like it's harder to make a connection with people that way.

Hope you have a superfantastic and extra comfortable day!


If chat had not been available on the internet, I would have never met my
husband and had some of the happiest moments of my life (with him). I love
the internet but do not share a lot of my personal info. Oh crap, I just shared some of my personal life Oh Lorster, good point. Justin and I met on the internet too. I am so grateful and would never change it!

And hey Mel, we use Quilted Northern 'round these parts.

I feel this post is timely for me and under the no name would like to share my neg experience with the internet.

I recently found out many things that border on down right scary about my space and blogs.  I have various damaged relatives that instead of getting to know the person perfer to stalk their blogs. One example is a distant cousin that was in a bad place mentally was stalked by his grandma & aunt. He cryed out on his blog and ended up committing suicide. There was another person the was senior in age and alieinated from life but boy could she snoop and stalk.  She ended up meeting a friend on the internet and they exchanged information and about two years later enlisted this new found friend to help her with her own death. Her will was changed two months before the OD day etc. This little internet friend probably should think long and hard about assisted suicide, interfering with family dynamics etc.

So as a former posted I have stopped only due to the situations that evolved in my life.  I cannot possibly begin to tell the whole story so I will just leave it at that and suggest you proceed with caution and you just never know who your friends will be on the internet.

excellant advice, thank you, and alot to digest.  I would have never imagined the dangers.  I try to be very, very careful about what I post on the internet. I would rather be accused of being someone else because I don't post much or share personal info than share something that could be used against me if it fell into the wrong hands. Call me silly if you want to but there are just too many weird things that go on in the world today.

Good topic with insightful responses. I am in the use caution catagory! But I will admit I have made what I consider some great friends on this site. I do keep personal info to the PM's. I have seen to many people use it against each other just for spite.


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