I think i will check into the hospital | Arthritis Information


I had one pain pill this whole day i look high as a kite. My face is swelling and hurts. I have to get rid of this infection and i have to get help with my bloodsugar. I will simply not make it till next week. I will not take no for an answer. Well if you do not see me then they put me in physcward for bloodsugar problems and infection. Anyway car is broke it is raining or i would have walked a mile and half today and gone. Would you belive i covered my skin in a lotion i got for xmas and turned out i am allergic to something in it. Should have read label first i know i thought it was one brand it was higher class then that had alot of fancy stuff in it. Hawthorn extract. I am allergic to hawthorn berries, anyway i read years ago that hawthorn berries helped you burn fat. Well yes they do they are straight speed. They make you burn off fat. Anyway i tried years ago my house got cleaned so did DADS and then i got a rash. So my skin was dry and itchy and i got pear lotion as a gift thought i would try it out. It seemed really to be good lotion and just covered myself in it. Well it smelled good. Then i could not sleep and read the label cause i was bored. It should say use sparingly on the label, or morning lotion or something. Has nothing to do with me going to the hospital tomorrow. Just had to do with a good nights ors days sleep. Anyway if you do not hear from me that is where i am. I am out of bananas anyway. Well i have lima beans and rasins and other stuff. One banana but it is not an attractive looking one. I am mentally ill at times, blood sugar exhaustion, sweats chills , eyes look really stoned and swollen and blurred vision also. Fell a bit better just ate. Cheek bone hurts thats were i started two months ago. I would not even care if they stuck me the physcward as long as they take care of me.

Let me know how you're doing, OK?



Keep us posted Milly.  I am sorry to hear of the terrible time you are having.

Oh Milly, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

I do suggest going to the dentist.  I had two rootcanals about 5 years ago because my teeth rotted from the inside, not from an outer cavity.  They said the amount of inflammation in the bone caused it, some sort of rare thing.

You and I are two peas in a pod and our bodies react the same to so much which is why I want you to see the dentist just to make sure you are ok.

I almost went a year before i saw my dentist and my headaches and teeth aches were so horrible that no amount of pain killer helped, i would sit on the floor and cry (before RA kept me from sitting on the floor).

If something is bad, it will get worse and unbearable.  I also got 4 wisdom teeth pulled and odd headaches i had for years went away which was nice.

I ate cool ranch doritos last night and am paying for it today.  back of left leg is so swollen it's hard to move, stomach hates me still, hand swollen, face swollen etc.


Please take care of yourself and get better soon.



Good luck Milly.  I have not kept up on all that is going on with you.  I know how hard it is - hospital or stay home.  That is a dillema I face a lot.  I have had this bronchitis that has made me run high fevers BUT I know it is viral as it is going around.  I would love to be in the hospital just to escape the few responsibilities I still have - pets and my daughter.  Then I think - hospitals are DANGEROUS. Staying home can be DANGEROUS.  ARGH I especially hate the entire day it usually takes just to get admitted.  I miss where I came from.  I knew everyone.  I have not been impressed with the hospital here.  Long story short - it sounds like you have made up your mind.  I hope it does your body and soul good.  Let us know how you are when you get out.  Roxanne  ps  My experience here is a minimal six hour wait in the ER here.  Easy to discourage someone from going and giving up and dying at home.  (sarcasm)roxy39459.7859837963 Hi Milly, God Bless and feel better soon, hugs from Janie.XX janiefx39460.2772453704Milly, are you back yet?  How are you doing?  Please let us know you're OK.  I hope all is well.  Make sure you check in Milly.Is Milly back?


Listen, do what your doctors or health care professionals suggest, got it? Quit thinking that these people have your concerns or are smarter than those that actually went to school to make you feel and be better, got it? They are not bad people. They really want you to be better. Get better, quit listening to these wanna be doctors, got it? Doctors and health professionals are your friends and allies.


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