Liz’s kid in hospital | Arthritis Information


Liz (Grammaskittles) sent me a text message yesterday, her teenage daughter is in the hospital for uncontrolled pain. She is the one that was just diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. She is on a PCA pump getting dilaudid.  Liz is doing okay for now...I just feel bad for them...they have had a hell of a year..and a horrible start to the new year at that. I will continue to be in touch with her every few days and will let yall know how things are going.I am so sorry to hear this Crunchy, but thanks for the info, please give her my best wishes and I shall continue praying for her and her poor daughter.  God Bless to her and you, thanks Janie.

It's gotta be so much worse having to watch your child go through this than it to go through it yourself.  My heart and prayers go out to this family.  Hope things take a turn for the better very soon.

Thanks for the update Crunchy and let Liz know we send our support.Thanks Crunchy, I feel so horrible for Liz and her family and also helpless.  I wish there were more that I could do.  It's terrible to have to watch your child in pain.  I've been there and it was the worst. Hugs to everyone.  LindyCrunchy thanks!  Send our love and prayers to them.  I am so sorry for their family...they have truely been through it.  Please send her my best if you have an opprotunity to talk to her again. Her daughter will be in my prayers. Thanks for the update Kami!  Though I wish it was of good news.  If you get the chance to talk to her let her know that they are all in my thoughts and prayers.Please sent my thoughts and prayers to Liz and her family, how awful to watch your child in pain like that. I dearly hope the doctors get her pain under control soon

Have you heard anything from her since? Were the docs able to get her pain under control?? She must be going through hell watching her kiddo in so much pain. I wish there was something we could do. Please let her know we're all thinking of her.


