gettin’ stuff done | Arthritis Information


WEll bout got the computer all cleared of all

jodejjr39459.6265277778Jode. Ok. This is how I feel about your situation after reading your posts.
You are being run by your family. They have sensed your vulnerabilities
and are taking total advantage of them. They are a disrespectful bunch at
best. You will be better off once you gain some autonomy and free
yourself from their control game. Please consider getting away from
them and becoming dependent only on yourself, not your family. There
are many on here who are very disabled and are self sufficient. You can
do that too. Until you get away and make your own way, you will be
subject to their control and ridicule. Good luck.

And as far as going to see your mother. Who is your sis to tell you what
you can and cannot do? Go see your mother if you want. She is your
mother too. YOur sis does not own her. I realize I do not know the whole
story, but it sounds as though you need a huge change in your life.



