Arthritis Gauge | Arthritis Information


Hi - I wondered if any one else had found the arthritis gauge on - you can type in your town and it will tell you the weather - arthritis severety - flu severity and other things - give it a try and maybe you all can find out exactully how the weather affects how you feel. Have a good day!

Wow, I didn't know that existed.  Mine says the Arthritis Index is high but I feel great.  I usually do react to the weather changes.  Hmmm.  Maybe it's because of the Enbrel I just started several weeks ago!

Oh, I loved the "Frizz advisory." 


Hey Lauren, thanks for sharing. I cked it out and mine arthritis index said moderate. That's a neat site. Thanks again.


Thanks Lauren!!!
I definitely get affected by the weather. I am going to check that out. What a great idea for them to do.