Arthritis Information -I’m itchy...



I'm new to this forum.  I'm 40.  I  have been on Humira and Plaquenil for about 6 months now for RA. I can't speak for the Plaquenil (started that first) but I'm quite certain the Humira is helping me.  I have noticed that my legs become extreemly itchy about 2-3 days after each injection (every other week).  My arms are itchy too but not as bad as the legs.  It is not around the injection site.  It's horrible.  Has anyone experienced this?  My doc sort of looks at me like I'm nuts when I bring it up.  I have been using an anti itch cream that helps but further suggestions would be great.  Thank you, Scott

Hi there and welcome.
I too had the itchies with humira, it started on my legs and then my arms and back. I had no rash but just felt like my skin was crawling. I took antihistamine for it and that helped a lot. My rheumy said it can happen. I am not on humira anymore but Enbrel that too has caused an itchy feeling
I hope it gets better for you
Thank you very much.Thanks very much.  I will try your suggestion.  It's appreciated. 

Thanks Lisa.  Good luck!  Scott

Thank you.Hi Scott, I came off of Humira as I was getting a lot of upper respiratory infections, I am now off of the Enbrel as I had an allergic reaction. I have a low tolerance to meds  Alot of people get really good results with humira. Good luck.I was on Humira for two years and after about 6 months I switched to taking it weekly. If you aren't making it through the two weeks without the feeling of it wearing off; A weekly dose might be an option. Lots of folks do take it weekly.
Welcome to AI!
I forgot to ask you.  If you don't mind sharing, why did you need to switch from Humira to Enbrel?  I'm feeling much better from Humira with the exception of pain in my fingers.  Was your situation similar?
Secondly,  I notice I feel better two or three days after my shot but begin to feel worse as I approach the next dosage.  Did you find that as well?  I'm going to ask my doc about about when I see him next week.
Thank you again.  Scott
Thank you for your thoughts.  Do you still take biologic meds?
