Shingles and methotrexate | Arthritis Information


Iwas diagnosed with shingles last week and just got done taking Valtrex for a week.  I think it was very effective.

I didn't have any pain to begin with just a few large red rashy looking spots on my upper thigh.

Now I'm left with just a few bruised looking spots with no redness.

I wonder if anyone who has had experience with this could tell me when they started mtx again?

I didn't take it last week and I wonder if the marks have to be completely gone?

I know I should call and ask the rheumatologist but I feel like a pest.

I would be grateful for any opinions.

Oh I am so sorry, shingles are so very painful. I am no help about the MTX and shingles. I was going to college and working 2 part time jobs and raising 2 kids on my own when I got mine, but I was DX too far into the shingles for  any medical help, ( it was midterms and I had so many projects and exams that semester).

I do believe I was on MTX at the time though and since I was unaware of the DX I was well into the shingles before anything would help .but....the Physician at the college health clinic told me to stop taking it for a week or two I think...too long ago cannot remember exactly, plus I was so busy at the time with other responsibilities.

I would call the RD regardless, their staff will understand. If they view you as a pest, so be it, your health is much more important than their opinion of you.THis is serious medical stuff and you need to know for your health, I would not hesitate to call at all.


Thanks for your knd reply hode.

I decided to call the rheumy.  She called me back promptly and told me to hold oo on the methotrexate for another week.

I think she is a bit formidible but she certainly is responsive and I really appreciate that.

I think she is a really good doctor and I was lucky to find her after a kind of false start.

Thanks again Jode.

So sorry for the typing errors!you are quite welcome, glad I could be of some help...... been there and it was so very unpleasant.Hope things clear up quickly Dotty. You were really fortunate to have caught the shingles early.