adjusting Remicade | Arthritis Information


200 mg of Remicade is not carrying me through eight weeks to the next infusion.  I'm never pain free but things are very tolerable for 4 or 5 weeks then slowly pain sets in until week 7 when I'm  in intolerable pain.  My question is, if given the choice should I get the infusion sooner or up the dose? I'm also on mtx 10 mg for five months and my hair is beginning to fall out.  I would like to decrease mtx!

I've done it both ways when it seemed the Remicade wasn't lasting long enough.  I think if the dosage seems to be doing it's job, and 200 mgs. for you seems to be a low dosage, then they usually back up the infusions to 7 or even 6 weeks.  I've been on the 6 week schedule for the last 4 infusions and the Remicade is doing it's job. 

Thanks bingethinker.  The nurse consulted with rd at my last infusion and he said to up dose to 300 mg, but it seems to me that shortening the schedule would be more conservative- or would it?  I don't know about conservative, but it seems if you feel better for the first 5 weeks and awful at 7, then moving the infusions closer together would be the answer, not upping the amount. I had been on 6 weeks for a long time, but at the last checkup the dr said, "I know you don't like driving up here (it's 40 miles, one way)I'm switching you to every 8 weeks." That lasted 2 infusions, by week 7 I was miserable, so the nurse got it changed to 7.My doc prefer to up the dose and try to leave the time at 8 weeks. He felt it was better for the patient not to get 'stuck' more times, not to have to come to the clinic so often - cause it interferes with life. hmmm... so it's a toss up I guess.  Thank goodness the drs office is close by,  but fewer sticks-- I'm for that! 