OT: Saturday Chat | Arthritis Information


Goodmorning everyone!!!!  I am in a surprisingly good mood after all kinds of stupidness that happened yesterday...All I am going to say is I HATE people that make plans which make you arrange your whole schedule then never show up and dont even call to say they cant make it.  This is driving me crazy I tell ya!!!  On a good note...I got my order of beads in yesterday so now I can bead like crazy!!!!  YAY 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

Good morning! Hope you and everyone has a superfantastic and extra comfortable day!

I can see you're getting very angry that someone should suggest that as a guest here, your friend should behave himself.  How long would you allow a guest in your home to continually break your house rules before you finally asked him to leave?  I mean really.  How many chances should they give him?

But i also see where they are coming from as well.  But maybe they also need to be more concerned about people that are here illegally the what they are.  He knows he screwed up and has to pay whatever concenquences that come but this is going back almost 9 years and he was unaware that it hadn't been cleared up

Ya know, I really wasn't trying to insult your friend personally Shannon.  He probably just does the same kind of dumb stuff everyone does.  I'm just saying, especially now when immigration is such a hot issue he'd be smart to ease up on the lead foot or the illegal left turns.  Or whatever he's doing to keep getting pulled over.

Will these things keep him from becoming a citizen?

just the one stupid thing he did when he was 18 that he thought was all cleared up....Yea as of right now that is what is holding up his citizenshipSo how can he fix it?

they arent sure yet.  I think Kari (his wife) said something about they are talking to a lawyer monday and/or they have a court date on monday. 

I've got a lovely bunch of co-co-nuts..........deedle dee dee dee dee......


*does a dance*


Have I gotten your attention yet?



I'm at work, and it's booooooorrrrrrriiiinnnnnnggggggg. What's everyone else up to today?

arriscolwell39459.6621412037Evry body is different, I know he has his reasons but why has he waited more then 9 years to become a citizen?  A lot of people from the US goes there to avoid the law, so I'm not going to pick at him, unless he is a child rapist (anytime a person goes with a child it is rape).  then I say instead of senting him back,  hung him.  You are avoiding saying what he did at 18?  and that is about the only thing people try to hide, just wondering.

Dang, if this is what a person has to look forward to in the US, he's better off going back to Canada. At least people are civil to each other most of the time. Sheezuz.



BREATHE PEOPLE!!!! There are much larger battles you could be spending your time on. Believe me.

Linda i didnt post what he did cause I dont know the whole story his wife was more concerned about tellng me what was going on then what happened 9 years ago.  All I know is tha he stold something.  He was 18 and stupid, very stupid.  If it had anything to do w/ him being a child rapist I would be in no way defending him right now.  Yea maybe he is better off going back to Canada if this is any indication on how we are going to treat people.  I dont know why he waited this long to get citizenship maybe becaue he was busy working AND going to college full time






He sounds like a good person, I was just wondering what he did so bad that it would keep him out of this country.  I'm not against him.  We need to welcome people here.  if hes got a job and a home and not a drain on the state then I'm all for him being here and Canada get some of our worst that is running from the law...Ive got a few tickets in my life time.

Why do you people post this crap, if you don't want people to say what they think?  This is an open board.

I dont care about posting this...what does bother me is that people judge others BEFORE finding out the whole story.  You can say what you think all you want but theres a nice way to state your opinon.So does anyone know someone who's done a PEL Grant before?

If you don't want to be judge, then state the story that you want told, so people don't have to wonder.  What is wrong with asking questions to try and find out whats going on?  What part of my post is bad?   What I said shouldn't hurt anyone unless its true. 

She said she thought it was for stealing, so this needs to be droped.  if hes a good person I'm all for him being in th good old USA.

linda5839459.690474537Ask question all you want I dont care but dont call someone a child rappist that is what ticked me off....We all live in a yellow submarine.....Katie...no I dont know anyone thats done a PELL grant.   Maybe check and see if theres a forum at whatever college you are going to apply to and see if theres anybody that has done it.  Hey what did justin say about the banana yesterday?

A forum! Yer so smert. Thanks. :)


I TOTALLY forgot. I just threw it on the counter. I suck.

Katie, I liked your coconut song and dance


I am SO BORED. >.<




big ones small ones some as big as your head

Hi Katie, Sorry you're bored! I don't even know what a PEL grant is

What words did you forget, my dear? If it was a Beatles song, Maybe I can help. That was my era, after all,

I'm not getting involved in the other dicussion, as I have nothing constructive to add


Construction paper.


Construction worker.


Construe (sp?)


Contour (sp)









arriscolwell39459.7584490741Shannon, that's so weird that you just happen to know those lyrics



I just got back from my MRI

I think I can see the cyst  but I'll have to wait til the dr sees it and call her tomorrow or Tuesday

I'm sitting at home waiting to get rid of some freecycle stuff.  I already got rid of a pasta maker, bread board, juicer  and now I'm waiting for someone to  pick up some jigsaw puzzles and a food dehydrator

Cool beans Pammy! So you freecycle a lot? We have a girl down here that started a RRFM, like they do in San Fran, CA.

RRFM=Really really free market. You just come and lay your stuff out and everythings free! She's supposed to organize another one next month, and we're TOTALLY going. We have lots of stuff to take. I'm excited!

Just got rid of the food dehydrator

street cars

street walker

Johnny Walker


dog walker




see....I may be old, but I can play Ford Taurus....
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