walking therapy | Arthritis Information


One thing RA has taught me is the joy of an invigorating walk...especially on a beautiful day like today.  The exercise always makes me feel better and all the anxiety and stress seems to slowly melt away.  So...I thought I'd share my walk today...a moderately paced tour of the neighborhood, with dog in tow of course!

I really enjoy the winter months...well, at least when the sun is shining and the air is cool but not cold.  It feels very refreshing.  I like the contrasts, particularly here in California, between the barren trees and the often green surroundings with bursts of colorful flowers...not like where I grew up and everything was greys and browns.  First, stop a barren tree against a blue sky...makes me think of how I often feel in the morning!

And, of course, it wouldn't be California without a majestic palm tree standing alone...adds some color and dignity to the winter scene.

Now here's something of an oddity.  I never noticed it before though it's only about a block from my house...an almost painfully white tree against a blue sky.  Walking by in the summer you hardly notice it.

Well, that's about it for now.  I hope you are also having a wonderful day!

Very strange...I peered into this car and saw a ghostly image staring back!  I do believe he bears a striking resemblance to myself, a rather dignified looking guy don't you think?


Of course, I really don't want to wear this hot, heavy brace when it is 105 degrees out Love the pics Alan and except for the palm tree it looks like Maine in the winter.  And yes, you are very dignified! 
As always, Thanks!

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