Should we have scheduled chats? | Arthritis Information


So should we? Or should we just continue with what we have been doing?

I can set-up a chat schedule if ya'll would like. I would just need to know when ya'll think would be the best times.

For me any time during the week 8:00pm CST is good and on weekends...I say 9:00pm CST.

We could have some scheduled and also do spontaneous.  Evenings are always nice for me.  I have gone there a couple times and no one is home

 I slept all day until 3:00pm. I slept so good. Had some weird dreams too. I did not even wake up when in-laws came to pick daughter up for church. I woke up one time and that was to find the sheet...hubby was freezing me out with the air conditioner!!

That is my problem.  I took a nap.  I have to take my mtx but I don't want to take it until I am good and tired.  Afraid it will make me sick.  Would rather sleep through it.  I think I am going to watch a movie or something.  I am listening to the new Bruce Springsteen cd.  It is a GREAT cd.  Let us know how the storm goes and sweet dreams Joonie.  BTW  You are catching up