RA *and* Lupus?? | Arthritis Information


Could it be possible to have RA and Lupus? I noticed a rash coming on this evening across my cheeks and nose. Warning, I look like CRAP in the following photo.

Have you guys ever seen anything like this?

Oh yeah, and this is MrsAlexander. I lost my login info for the site so I had to come on again as a "newbie."

Hope you're having a supefantastic and extra comfortable day!


Yes ma'am! I believe they call it "Rhupus" Google it!!!I was actually tested for lupus first due to pains I was having along with a butterfly rash.  They ruled out lupus (it was rosacea) and that is when I had more testing and they found it to be RA.  I use prescription "metrogel" from my dermatologist. I hope you get it figured out soon!  Many of our meds can also affect our skin, which can be very sensitive to the sun.

I don't think I was ever tested for it. I know my RA scores were skyhigh. I think I will be showing this to my RD.

Katie, "Rhupus"?!?! Are you serious???Mel, you look cute in the picture, really  I have very sensitive skin and I have had that "look" but it was usually a reaction to a cream, lotion or medicine.  Good luck! I thought maybe it was the lotion I put on this morning, but I've been using Aveeno for quite some time now and this is a first.

Once upon a time, there were several girls on this board that had Rhupus. I can't for the life of me think of who they are now...damn.

http://arthritisinsight.com/forum/search.asp?KW=rhupus&S M=1&SI=PT&FM=0&OB=1


Theres a buncha past posts that mention Rhupus!


JSNM has Rhupus!

To me it looks like a cold/wind burn. You said you walked in the cold and sun? I think it looks like a burn like from the sun or wind.

Just my thoughts, but if you haven't ever been tested for lupus, you should. My rd cked me for it on my first visit. Thankfully, I didn't have it.

Let us know what happens.

Take care

Hi Mel,

The answer to your question is yes - I was diagnosed with RA and Lupus in 1995. Unfortunately I cannot see your picture as it doesn't show up on my computer (and I have tried to fix the problem but haven't been able to). I had the butterfly rash that looks a little like what it suggests across your nose a cheeks. The Lupus effected my joints as well and I was able to get this into remission and (cross fingers) it will stay that way! The RA is still a problem for me though. They are related so to speak and both auto-immune problems so it is definately a possibility but of course may not be so worth getting the doctors to do an anti-dna or similar test to rule it out for you.

Good luck with it all!

Ha Arliss, I am only TOLD I have lupus, rhupus, scleroderma, et al., some of the tests show weak titers, so my second opinion doctors say "maybe" I have lupus, maybe its rhupus, maybe its MCTD, maybe its this, maybe its that.

But I will say that our gorgeous model does have the same characteristics I get when I am in one of my pretend and totally made up lupus/rhupus episodes.  I used to think my glasses rode on my cheeks at times, but I now know its lupus and inflammation causing slightly puffy cheeks, forehead, and creases and sometimes large red spots.  But I also have one-half of a "wolf scarf" on my chest too when it happens.  I always thought it was strange that I would sunburn to the left and not straight down following my swimsuit or v-necked shirt - duh.

The only thing I know is that no matter what your diagnosis if you have a competent enough doctor to do a thorough set of tests and pin it down, they give you the same treatment - chemo/steroids, maybe plaquenil.  And I am starting to think the reason you aren't put through a battery of tests, and not given a definitive diagnosis is because they can't, as they haven't figured it out yet.  Anybody see the article today again that a treatment for fibromalgia was approved, but there is still a huge controversy that the disease even is real?  Cathy


Awww I think you are very pretty.

To me it looks like a sunburn.  But I don't know much about anything else.  I did read somewhere only half of lupus patients have the butterfly rash.  But also, most have a sensitivity to sun.  and will develope a rash if exposed to sun even for a short time.

I have had two different doctors tell me they though I had lupus but I never tested pos for it.  I will get a very weird itchy rash like on my upper legs when in the sun.  This last year it also happened to my upper arms and chest.  It does go away fairly easy but comes right back just minutes in the sun.  I have become use to it pretty much.  If it doesn't itch too bad.

Good luck figuring it out.


Please God, can you make me look crappy like Mrs. Alexander? 

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with that picture other than the rash.  You're lovely. 


LOL  Jesse!!

Well, the rash I had yesterday evening is gone. I'm thinking maybe it was windburn or sun sensitivity? It just totally freaked me out since I know once you get one AI, you tend to collect others.

JSNM, the "wolf scarf" you are talking about, what exactly is that? I did have a rash high on the center of my chest that went up to my left shoulder. Ugh. I was wearing a hoody when we walked yesterday...

Katie, thanks for doing the search! I'll be looking at those.

Mrs. A, are you a model?  I bet that you have been holding out on us!  Rash or no rash, most women would kill for that lovely face. 
I had a rash like that it it turned out to be seborrhea..SP?  Miserable, pesty thing!

Mrs A:  I have read so much and researched for so long it's starting to all run together for me, but if I remember correctly about the lupus "scarf" is that lupus usually is a "butterfly" on the face.  But then I found an article about how it also can manifest in a "scarf" around the neckline onto the chest.  And that's what I have - a V that runs off my left upper chest when it flares.

I have decided to start taking a heating pad with me to the doctors.  While I am waiting I am going to put my hands inside and hold it up to my face and chest, then when they come in, my RA will show in my hands and my lupus will show on my face and neck.  I always come out of a hot shower with all my chronic inflammed areas bright red, and it's never there when I am at the doctors.  So, I thought, bring a heating pad and force the redness to happen so you have proof.   

You are gorgeous g/f - enjoy the day ~~ Cathy

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