Arava Nausea | Arthritis Information


Anyone have any tips?  Feels like the flu bad today, i was reading up on arava and it talks about how nausea is a huge side effect.

I have nausea bands on my wrists but still need to find something to help ease the stomach.


Sorry I haven't experienced that side effect but is it possible that maybe you are brewing a flu or stomach virus? When did you start the Arava? I remmeber when I started it my dr. said diarreah could be a side effect and to take immodium if it happend. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks Honey.

I started it a few weeks ago, I have been sick for about 3 days now, nobody in the family is sick as of yet.  When we get sick, it is usually with 24hrs of each other.

What are nausea bands??? And where do you get them??


I think they're like them sea sickness bands you can get.

I personally use buccostem, you melt them under your lip. Work really well.


yah, they are the sea sickness bands you can buy from the drug store.  They don't help well with pregnancy sickness, but for things like this, they do work, at least for me, a bunch.

They have a pressure point for your wrist that helps against nausea.
