Chest pain | Arthritis Information


Has anyone experienced heart swelling due to RA?  Or is chest area pain/ internal swelling something common to anyone?

My doc explained that there are joints in the chest and this could be it but it feels like more.




Hi Gainesville, are you from FL? My sis lives in Gainesville FL and I have another sis in Lake Butler. Welcome to the board. There are different problems with the chest and ra. There is costochronditis (sp?) which is inflammation in the ribs, there also is pericarditis (which I have had twice) it is inflammation of the lining around your heart. Call your dr to find out what's going on. If it's bacterial you will need an antibiotic for the pericarditis.

take care


Chest pain can be scary. I started having what felt like quite severe chest pain, but my dr also said it was from inflammation in the cartilage of the ribcage. Even so, my dr said that if a bout lasted more than 5 minutes I should go to the ER. Has your dr done anything more than listen to your heart to check it out? Mine didn't, so it still makes me a bit nervous. Luckily, it rarely happens anymore.

