Problems with your teeth? | Arthritis Information


My teeth have literally started breaking off in my mouth, they are getting soooooo decayed, and it's really gross!  They've went so downhill and so fast, I'm not sure they aren't going to just want to pull them all!!

I started on mtx, sulfasalazine, hydrocloroquine, ompeprazole, folic acid, and something else (can't remember the name off the top of my head....grrrr) the last week of December.  I've had 4 different molars literally break off in my mouth since then.  One of them is sooooo sharp and cutting on my tongue.  I don't have insurance right now (other than medicare) so I can't go to the dentist!

Do you think this might be RA or med related?

Not have had anything break, but have had teeth pulling off at the gums. Have also had sensitivity.Hi Trina, are you on Pred, my dentist told me that it wrecks the enamel and I had a snapped tooth about a year ago, just another thing to add to the ever-growing list!  Hugs Janie.

  I'm a person who had chrons and now have RA. My Doc wanted to start me on Remicade. All my family members told me not to use it for I could end up with Limphoma. The Doc states this is a proven treatment and is even given to chrons patence. Now they want me to try a different drug call Orencia. I'm starting to get so bad I really need to try something. Can anyone help?

Thank Dave

Trina, do you have periodontal disease?  Because that could get a lot worse on some of our meds.  Did you have to go in for cleanings a lot?


P.S.  Hi David.

Hi Mrs. A, I have had the same problem in the past 3 months.  Have you been given any advice by your dentist or rheumy?  Geez, I would really hate to lose my teeth!  Always something!   Oh MY GOODNESS!! I thought I was the only one with teeth problems. I have a space in the back of my crown where gum has scrunken from the bone.  I get food caught in there and I can't even think straight.  I have made an appt to see the Dentist this month but I'm afraid of the work that is going to need to be done.  I already have 5 crowns in place.  I have tooth sensativity my molars are the ones that get red and swollen sometimes.  I asked the dentist to just pull them all , but she wouldn'tI always have my water with me.  I also noticed I couldn't talk for very long without being parched.  Since I lecture all day it is necessary.  I have experienced a ton of dental problems for about 3 years . I figured ok I am getting older and the problems started before I was diagnosed and started prednisone. So I guess I can't blame this one on the prednisone!