Total Wrist Replacement | Arthritis Information


I had my wrist replaced in Dec. Wanted to know if anyone else has had this surgery and if they have liked the outcome. I am wondering how long it took for you to get most of your strength back. I'm missing the use of my left hand and my right is getting tired. Thanks

i really havent thought of that type of procedure. now, it gives me idea that my hands can also be replaced. my hands are severly affected by JRA. you could imagine, my wrists are overly bend and all of the fingers are slightly bend. but i always tell them, i have my way of doing things when it comes to using my deformed hands. but what bothers me, when people would stare at me. oh well.. we all have our way on dealing with that.

I'm considering wrist replacement surgery and would be very appreciative of any feedback or recommendations on the procedure.  From the research I've done so far it seems as through the procedure is still relatively uncommon although the new prosthetic "Universal 2" seems to show promising results. 


Jill, I see that your above post is several months old but i hope that you have fully recovered and would be very interested in hearing about your experience.


fyi: i have been recently diagnosed with RA at 29 but have severe degeneration in my left wrist possibly due to a juvenile onset. 

