A Miracle Cure For Women May Be Cranberri | Arthritis Information


Cranberry juice, long dissed as a mere folk remedy for relieving urinary tract infections in women, is finally getting some respect.

Thanks to Prof. Itzhak Ofek, a researcher at Tel Aviv University's Sackler Faculty of Medicine, the world now knows that science supports the folklore. Prof. Ofek's research on the tart berry over the past two decades shows that its juice indeed combats urinary tract infections.

And, he's discovered, the refreshing red beverage has additional medicinal qualities as well. Prof. Ofek has found that cranberry juice exhibits anti-viral properties against the flu, can prevent cavities, and lessens the reoccurrence of gastric ulcers. Unhappily for half the human race, however, new research published this year in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research on ulcers, suggests that, like urinary tract infections, the healing power of cranberries apply only to women.


Oh, look, we're finally 'special' as women!  LOL

Antiviral...I'd read there's some antibacterial help previously.

Does anybody have a good brand that isn't all sugar.  Kind of defeats the purpose.  Are the pills just as good?


Always knew that one.  Cranberry juice is very good for you, that is pure cranberry juice though.  Here is a nice combination a quick pick me up in the morning.  Take 1 cup pure cranberry juice and 1 cup of  pure pink grapefruit juice mix together and drink. Not too tart not to sweet and it hits the spot.  memeCranberries are really good for us.  I have actually taken cranberries and put them thru my blender so that I could enjoy them without the sugar and other crap that might be added to juice, i.e. preservatives, etc.  Easy to mix in other stuff that you like to enhance the flavor.  Good on vanilla ice cream with a few pecans.   You can get pure cranberry juice from a health food store, but be warned, it's BITTER.  I mix it with orange juice and that helps. Oh man, my g/f used to make *the best* little "cranberry sauce" mix. We'd put it on everything. Ice cream, sandwiches, or eat it alone. (sounds weird, I know) It was something like.....a bag of frozen cranberries, mandarin oranges, and a half cup of sugar. and you just throw it all in a blender. It comes out chunky but its yuuuuummmmmyyyyyyyy!!! Cranberry juice and vodka is good too!  Add a slice of lime and enjoy!

There is no miracle cure for anything. If there were a miracle cure, seriously, I would tell you all, even those that are less than low lifes, seriously.






Good. I was kinda worried for a second there lev.


I LOVE cranberry juice. I drink a lot of it. Because I LOVE it!

Ok it sounds like LEV has had a set back with his RA meds or RA progression and is lashing out as all of us again. WE in a sense are his cyber punching bags when he is having a bad time RA related or maybe even anything going wrong in his life.


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