OT to Pip re:PPIs | Arthritis Information


I'm going to post this link (and hope it works, because mine never do...), because it might have some ideas for others, too.

If you go to www.peoplespharmacy.com and click on 'Newspaper columns - Editorial Columns', there is a lot there that might be of interest.  I saw many topics that have been discussed here.

http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/archives/editorial/stopping_h eartburn_medicines_pose_challenge.php  

Suzanne39463.378599537Bumping for Pip - haven't seen her around today!You definitely need to wean off PPI's, like lots of other drugs if you take them daily for an extended period of time.  Abrupt discontinuation of benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, ativan, etc) can cause seizures, because the biochemical pathways tend to adjust to the drug's presence.  Same with opiates, alcohol, barbiturates, even caffeine! Sudden withdrawal causes very real physical problems.  I take metoprolol, which is a beta-blocker.  If I were to suddenly stop taking it, I would run the very real risk of having a heart attack.

In the past when I've discontinued Prevacid, I took it every other day for a couple weeks, then I took an OTC H2 antagonist (zantac, tagamet, etc) and/or Rolaids as needed for a couple of weeks (under the advice and supervision of my doctor, of course

Hey and THANKS!

I saw my AP doc today...hours on the road and back...I so dislike LA traffic I had to stop occasionally and mall crawl to face the commute.  LOL

Anyway, I'm going to be posting about his response to this on the original PPI thread.

And then more stuff on the AP thread...just as soon as I eat.



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