all over the place | Arthritis Information


Last night I was feeling pretty good and I thought to myself "what is this, have I suddenly gone into remission?".
I felt elated and really happy and I didn't have the slightest bit of inflammation or pain anywhere.
then.... this morning, I ache all over, all over!!!!
I wish I could understand this BIG dipper.... I want to get off!
I do the same thing.  About the time I realize that I'm feeling pretty good and think to myself "hey maybe I don't really have RA"  I get a little reminder zinger and my bubble is burst.  gracie
I would just like to know what is going on ....
I've gone through long periods when Im just in pain all day long until it gets under control, and I've gone though long periods when everything is under control... but at the moment I really can't say what tomorrow will bring... it's weird.
Anna I so understand how you feel.  It's so frustrating and demoralizing isn't it?  It's amazing that we all don't just dope ourselves up with some happy pills to just forget about the disappointments.  That's been one of the hardest parts of this whole journey for me....thinking it's under control, over and over again, only to get knocked down.  It's like the disease is trying to tell us who's boss.  Well, we are, so we just have to keep plugging away, doing what we have to do and take it one day at a time.  Don't let it get you down.  There are some here in remission and some who have their disease under good control so it can be done.  Keep at it. 